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Fri, 26 Jul 2002 13:07:08 EDT
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Guess it my time to put my two words in regarding Petco Selling Ferrets!
Just my thoughts, Stop buying from Petco let them know you won't shop
at their stores, and tell everyone you come into contact not to shop at
Petco and why.  Let them know where Pet Stores are that don't sell
animals!  Maybe its time to get the Media involved!  I am so happy to
announce that one of the best Pet Stores in my area now no longer carry
Ferrets.  The Ark Pet Store sold to one of my close friends that I use to
work for, and instead of continue the practice of selling animals.  She
will sell only pet supplies and will ask shelters to come in and have
"Shelter Days" and hopefully find homes for all the "Tossed Away Animals
in the Seattle Area".  Hopefully, this will help Washington Ferret Rescue
and Shelter find homes for the 40-50 ferrets that we now have at the
shelter.  I am not sure how many we have right now.  In the past couple
of weeks we have been getting 5 ferrets in a week or more.  Yes, and as
usual there are many of those that won't be adopted because of age,
health ect.  Yesterday, Liane was over at my house and informed me she
just got in 5 more ferrets this morning.  One lady that brought in her
two ferrets with adrenal problems comment was - - "I can't deal with
this anymore".  She had been taking them to our vet for Lupron shots and
decided she was finished no more - - someone else can deal with it" I am
out of it.  You take these ferrets.  Of course Liane took the ferrets and
hopefully as long as our shelter money last we will continue to take care
of them!
Yes, we do need people that are willing to volunteer as Foster Parents
for all these ferrets that are ill or need special care.  So if you are
in the area and can do it contact Washington Ferret Rescue and Shelter!
If you can't foster, we sure could use more volunteers cleaning the
shelter, washing bedding, loving ferrets, trimming nails, cleaning ears,
bathing ferrets.  The volunteers we have are really getting worn out!
Also if you have items you can donate to the shelters, please do.
We got a few hammies from someone in Ohio a couple of weeks ago and they
did not put their return address on the package so we have no ideal who
this wonderful person was.  Please please know that we sure thank you!
We don't get many gifts of hammies or other ferret items, so we really
appreciate it when someone does such a kind deed!  Yes we really need
more hammies.  So if you do sew and have time, we sure could use more.
With all these ferrets coming into the shelter we never have enough!
Please check our updated Website for all the new ferrets that have come
into the shelter.  WashingtonFerret.org
Heck my ferrets here said don't forget us mom, We could sure use some
more too!LOL I don't think you can ever have enough hammies when you have
so many ferrets.  I feel like I am washing all the time, and waiting for
them to dry and get them back in their cages before their playtime is
Well better get off this computer and back to ferret feeding, cleaning.
Oh what a life, who would ever dreamed my days would be spent taking care
of ferrets.  Now hand feeding around 9 ferrets Chicken Gravy once a day.
This past week one of my first ferrets, Mary Jane passed over to Rainbow
Bridge.  She was 5 years 9 months old.  Still not sure why, but I know I
did the best I could for her in her last hours.  She died in my arms.
Mary Jane came from Charlie Herring (Pumpkin Ferretry) in Southern
Charleen Schuster
Washington State Ferret Rescue and Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3856]