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Thu, 20 Jun 2002 02:32:33 -0400
bounceyss <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Hi everyone!
Gosh you have all been so wonderful!  SInce I bought my first ferret 2
years ago.  Tucky.  He is a strong willed and very smart pet.
I tried to get him a mate but I just bought a little girl and she proved
to be too small for him..it seemed they fought all the time yet some say
it's playing, but she yelped so much I felt so bad...I used apple spray
and nothing worked.  A friend of mine had kids and I gave her away.  I
feel bad to this day, but it didn't appear that she was his forever mate.
So I got him another one.  I went to the ferret frolic here in Mass a
few months ago and met a wonderful woman who owns a ferret shelter (the
educated ferret= I still have the tshirt) (I can't remember your name
but you gave me the most wonderful she ferret!) Toni.  Tuck my had the
opporutnity to play with toni and they both got along so well that I
couldn't seperate them..  I brought her home.  They to this day, play,
sleep eat, play sleep eat together and they are just a wonderful pair.  I
am so happy that I was able to find my tuck a mate.  Though they are both
spaded or fixed, whatever the word, they get along fine and both appear
happy and healthy IThough they eat alot of junk food).  Tonis' tail is a
bit hairless and I haven't found a remedy for that yet...any ideas/hints?
Other than that and that she is still slim compared to fat tuck (he's
really not fat), they are a joy to have.  I just bought them a play pen
($49/ The ferret store.com) and they are happy as heck with all that room!
Well that';s it!
we hope to meet all of you at the next ferret frolic...anyone know when
that is?  Im in MA, so if you know of one around...tell us, we;d like to
go!  Hi to all you ferrets and owners out there!!
Doug, tuck and toni
[Posted in FML issue 3820]