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Fri, 17 May 2002 12:43:14 EDT
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
[I'm hoping this will help acquaint those who have not gone through this
with such a situation.  This story can be printed off for children to
read before they get an operation...its a great social story for kids]
Big Opereration part one
Hello.  ::said in a tiny, little girls voice::
My name is Dippy.  And I am going to have an "operation".  I have to have
one because I am sick.  My mommy says not to be scared though.  So I
thought I'd tell my story so other kids aren't scared of "opererations"
It all started when I got a sore.  Then I kept getting tired.  But I was
so busy playing, and doing ferret kid things, that I didn't tell my mommy.
She still found out.
So she packed me up in the car.  We drove to this place I've never been
before.  It's called a hospital.  It was very big.  The people were new to
me, but they were all very nice.  We had to fill out lots of papers and
then wait in this big room with chairs called a waiting room.  I saw lots
of other kids there.  Puppy kids, kitty kids, and even bird kids.  Some
were pretty sick, but they were here to get better.
A pretty nurse came out of a door, then led us back to a small room.
There were chairs there for the mommy and daddy, and a table for me.
She talked to us, and asked us lots of questions.  What ever we said
was pretty much written down in this folder with my name on it.  Then she
held me and told me not to be scared.  She checked me over very good, and
mommy showed her where I hurt.  She took my temperature, weighed me and
looked in my mouth and ears.  Then she left.
Next, the doctor came into the room.  She asked us some more questions.  I
was tired of answering questions, but the more the doctor knows the better
she can fix me.  She listened to my heart with this cold round thing with
two long tubes on it that go to the doctors ears, called a stethoscope.
It was kinda neat.  She said my heart sounded so good and strong.  I think
next time I go in, I will ask if I can hear my heart.  I was a little
scared to ask this time.  She checked my ears, nose, mouth, gosh she
checked everything!  This doctor talked to me.  She smiled at me.  I felt
a little better.  Then she told my mommie I need rest, and to take all my
medicine.  I have to do what she says to get better.  The doctor was
dissapointed she could not do the operation yet.  There are doctor reasons
why she can't.  But I will have one later.  Mommy and daddy took me home
with my favorite blankee and toy (its good to bring those to see doctors).
I was so tired I took a long nap.
I will be comming back and doing a lot of this all over again.  Only this
time the doctor will be doing some different things so she can operate on
me.  When I find out what an opereration is, and when I'm done having one.
I'll tell you what it is, and what it was like to have one.
"ta ta!"
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3786]