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Sun, 12 May 2002 18:50:37 -0700
text/plain (96 lines)
Hi all
Sorry I took a few days off as my hooman waz working very late hours and
didn't get to them.  Things got really buzy for a couple of days.  So
these are late.
A little girl named Sparkle came in today.  She waz met by Renate who waz
also a recent arrival.  They had a lot to talk about when she got here.
Then it waz over to da Fruit Bar for a snack before exploring.  They then
headed out to explore and see all da sights and attractions.  They later
ended up in da Fields running and playing chase with each other.  They ran
and ran.  It seemed like they were playing tag but nobody ever got tagged
or anything.  I guess they just enjoyed running through da fields and
chasing each other.  After their run they had to head over to Hammock
Haven to get in a nap and rest up a little.  I seen them over there
sleeping together.  She said to tell her mommy not to worry as she is ok.
She said to send lots of luv and kisses to her mommy.
A little girl named Doodle came in later.  She waz met by Maxine who
greeted her warmly.  They were soon chattering away about this and dat and
catching up on all da gossip and news at home.  They then headed off to
explore and see all da sights and attractions.  They had to stop by and
watch da Tube Races at da Tube Park for a long while.  They said they
could do as good as some there and were soon over at da practice area
refinfing their technique a little before they joined in on da races.
They seemed to enjoy running through da tubes and chasing each other.
They ran for some time trying to get it just right and get da timing part
right.  She said she felt lots better and would be a star at da races.
She said to send lots of luv and hugs and kisses to her mommy.
A little guy came in next.  He waz met by a whole bunch of other little
ones.  He waz kinda confused at first so I asked him what waz wrong and he
said dat he could finally see and hear.  He just wanted to take in all da
stuff here.  Da others soon took him in tow and wanted to know what was
going on at home.  He said he couldn't help a whole bunch and explained
his ailments on earth.  They soon took him off to show him all da sights
and attractions up here.  He waz awed by exerything and wanted to see it
all.  They ended up over at da Ferretone Flood where he watched all da
waves coming in and da others surfing and and lapped up a bunch of
ferretone.  Everything seemed new to him and I guess it waz.  He seemed
to want to see everything at once.  He said to send lots of luv and hugs
to hiz daddy.
A little guy named PB came in later.  He waz met by Patches.  As they
didn't seem to know each other I introduced them.  They seemed to hit it
off at once and were soon chatting about home and catching up on all da
gossip and news there.  They wondered off talking to visit da Fruit Bar
and get a snack or two.  Then it waz over to da Gravy Gourmet to eat till
they were filled up.  It took quite bit to fill them up to.  I guess they
were two growing boys.  They wondered over to Dirt Mountain where they
were going to get in some serios digging.  They just dug and dug with no
idea what they were doing or why but they just enjoyed digging in da dirt.
PB said not worry as he feels bunches better and knows he waz really sick
when he got there.  He said he is sorry he had to go.  He said to send
lots of luv and a hug or two to hiz new mommy.
A little girl named Rusti came in later.  She waz greeted by da newly
arrived Ziggy and a bunch of others.  Ziggy said he waz really happy to
see her as he never had before.  This time they would not be put off and
she had to sit down and fill everyone in on all da gossip and news at
home.  They talked for quite a while and then they said it waz almost
time to party.  They headed off to explore and see all da sights and
attractions and then it waz off to da Ferretvite Festival to do some
dancing and lapping up of da ferrevite.  They danced and danced till they
almost dropped and then they danced some more.  Everyone danced with
everyone and by da time it waz ready to close they were really pooped
out.  They headed over to da Hammock Haven to get a rest and a long nap.
I seen them over there all curled up together.  She said to send lots of
luv and kisses and hugs to her daddy.
A little guy came in later named Ryuichi.  I gave him da tour and showed
him all da sights and attraction.  He wanted to try out hiz new wings so
he headed over to da Flying Lessons.  I assigned him an instructor and he
waz soon soaring away like a pro.  He didn't seem to have as much problems
with da landings as some although he did land kinda funny and bruised hiz
nose some.  He soon waz doing pretty good even at dat.  Maybe he will end
up as an instructor in da near future.  He got down all da areobatics
moves and everything.  He said to tell hiz hooman dat he waz doing real
good.  Although it is not home an there are no hoomans to speak of he has
a lot of stuff to do.  He said to send lots of luv ad hugs and cuddles to
hiz hooman.
I looked up Minnie in da puter thingy.  She waz over at da Crazy Kars
races watching all da others go around da track.  I told her she should
get out there and give it a try but she said no dat waz all right.  She
said to tell her mommy she is doing real good and dat she misses her
bunches.  She said there is lots to do and keep her buzy til she gets
here.  She also said dat she feels a lot better here.  She said to send
lots of luv and ferret kisses to her mommy.
I think I have typers paw.  I need some relaxation.  Think I will go
dancing tonight.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3781]