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Sat, 11 May 2002 00:50:39 EDT
Jennifer Irwin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Hello everyone,
I posted just a few days ago about Samson's passing.  Thank you all for
your kind words and encouragement.  Now I need everyone's
I have a male ferret who is about 3 1/2 years old.  He has been
experiencing the symptoms on insulinoma for about a month now.  We have
been dealing w/ it w/ honey/karo syrup and baby food/duck soup and so far
he has done alright.  I called a vet today to make him an appointment for
tuesday to be tested and hopefully be able to start medicating him for
it, if that is indeed what he has (which I am almost positive it is as
all the symptoms are there).  Anyways, I told the secretary what I think
he has and asked her to ask the vet about fasting, if i should do it, and
for how long.  Her reply was do not feed him after midnight the night
before.  His appointment isn't until 2:30 pm.  That's like 14 1/2 hours.
It thought I was told, and read recently that 4 hours was max time for
safety, especially w/ insulinmatic ferrets?  Should I ignore him and just
do 4 hrs?  or try the 14 and end it if he seems to get shaky, etc???  I
know that this was discussed very recently on this list?  I am sorry for
the reasking, I deleted my issues and have not quite figured out how to
look up archives yet.
Please if you have any advice that you could give me about insulinoma at
all, I would appreciate it very much.  You can email me at
[log in to unmask] so as to not tie up the board w/ already mentioned
info.  Thank you in advance.
[Posted in FML issue 3779]