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Sat, 20 Apr 2002 13:38:20 -0700
Heidi Lynne LePak <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Greetings all you FML-ers from the Extreme Weezils!
It has been a wild, wacky, WEEZILY few weeks for me.  For those of you
who HAVEN'T stopped by http://www.extremeweezils.com, here is the latest:
The middle of March brought us TWO additional Extreme Weezils!  See Bonzai
and Blizzard in their own photo pages and welcome them as only ferret
enthusiasts can... It turns out they have ear mites, so ALL of our babies
get to have treatment, again.... Also, Bandit, our chunka chunka burnin'
ferret love, our 4.5 pounder in the summer, has a heart murmur.  We may
end up having to get him to a ferret cardiologist if it grows worse.
Weezil Cam is STILL down.  My computer is convinced that the video camera
driver is already being used by another application, even after two
complete hard drive wipes and clean reinstalls.  The battle to get Weezil
Cam back on continues, and I will not give up even if I have to purchase
a whole new system!
Despite the above setback, I DO have lots in store at
www.extremeweezils.com including :
1.Movies, movies, movies at
2. Newest photo collection at:
3.Photos of Lisette's little miracle, Maria, the bald burnt girl who is
now a beautiful little lady at:
 ... and lots of other stuff, including Chronicles 10, new award design,
and more that I am working on through the weekend.
My bulletin board has been acting up as well.  I think the computer gods
are testing me to see how strong my faith is.  I will not give in!  Look
for Weezil Cam and a new Bulletin Board in the very near future and don't
forget to send us a photo of YOUR ferrets to be put up on the Weezil
Buddies section...
Dooks, Wardances, and Fuzzy Luv to all...
Heidi Lynne and the Extreme Weezils ... The Revolution will be WEEZILIZED
[log in to unmask] --- http://www.extremeweezils.com
[Posted in FML issue 3759]