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Wed, 10 Apr 2002 18:36:00 -0700
dan christen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
I cannot remember if i asked for you to watch for our Felicia and welcome
her to the Rainbow Bridge.  I am a bit shamed, for i do not remember, but
i recall posting the date of her departure.  Please look for her,
(Felicia) and join her up with Athena, Odysseus, Angel and Diana if they
have not already found her by now.  She and Crimson both had been
scheduled for adrenal surgeries, Crimson came home, and is healing quite
well (already begging for her Bandit treats, and stealing babies to take
to her hidey hole).  Felicia came home in a little coffin box :-( .I
really had misgivings about sending her out for surgery, and almost sent
Jalepeno in her place, but she really needed to be cared for, and now we
have lost her.  Felicia loved dog food,(so (her former mommy told us, the
night we picked her up) so if you could find her a big kibble of one or 2
now and then i am sure that she would be grateful, when she came to live
with us, she learned to enjoy the gravey recipe and the assortment of
ferrety foods we served also.  Felicia was a wonderful little lady, and
took Fergie under her paw, after Fergie lost Diana as her cage mate.
Seems we all get adopted by someone in this house, sooner or later.
Samson has now taken Fergie under his paw and is curled up in the pocket
sleeper with her.  Let Felicia know that i loved her, and miss her
prescious face,(which i still see, if only in my minds eye now) and that
i am sorry for putting her through that surgery.  She took her last breath
in recovery, shortly after the surgery was over.  Unfortunately i couldn't
be there with her, (work obligations, again) :-( .Felicia , angel we loved
you and always will.  If for only the short time you were with us,
here...we will be together again soon enough.  Mommys gotta take care of
the rest of the boys and girls :-) right now.
Give everyone lots of love from mommy
Eppy is behaving himself and giving mommy kisses
[Posted in FML issue 3749]