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Fri, 4 Oct 2002 09:37:16 -0400
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With all due respect- your emotional pleas IS understandable but what you
seem NOT to recognize is this kind of ACT WILL NOT force the system to
function any differently.  YOU CANNOT force a system to work when you
cripple it as the OR rescue did.  There were things that COULD have been
done that were not- I will not go into that at this venture-- it is over
& done now.
THERE WILL NEVER be a good system UNTIL we start working WITHIN THE
CONFINES of our established legal system.  IF you feel the laws or
procedures are not adequate you NEED to get active in amending your local
& state laws.  DON't cry unless you are willing to fight to change the
system.  What has occurred is that there will be no way to make the
"rescue " caretaker or board of directors responsible for the care of
these animals.  (Yes even board members can be held accountable for the
condition and penalized for allowing this to occur ).  I do not care how
much you argue about how this was good or necessary the fact remains
someone several someone's got off the hook - and others are going to need
to provide the care etc.  The system has no need to enforce anything as
this was a "no-cost" venture for them.  Heck they don't even know this
I know that across the US more an more rescue people with SPCA, ARL etc
are becoming familiar with ferrets.  That is one reason why the shelter
for had a booth and gave away literature at the 200 No-Kill Conference.
Our shelter has the opportunity to present a 90 minute training seminar
to the international sheltering community in 2003 at the CHAMPS and we
will!  The education must take place and we need to help educate..  you
are part of the problem if you do not .  Great efforts MUST be made to
change the way citizens at large regard our pets.  It will not be done
through illegal seizure and condemnation of a working justice system ( no
system is perfect).  They ( the established shelter community) do not
understand about the ferret but many are already open to them.  We need
more changes within the sheltering community for the Good of the ferret.
You can make no progress until you educate and try to help the system
When you say the animals cannot be released for foster or care to another
rescue- you are full of crap!  Literally here ( eastern US) it is done
all the time.  These procedures NEED to be set up IN ADVANCE with local
humane providers by clubs and local ferret rescues!
We ( our shelter) took in 19 NJ ferrets (all the way to NH) from an SPCA
seizure in 1999 I believe - while charges were being filed.  I am not
sure where you get this information - it may be something your local
friends told you BUT IT CAN be done.  The NH humane system has a net and
on large rescues they INDEED to send the animals around to breed rescues
etc., for care pending court outcomes.  That is how they document costs
of care etc., and make the court award a settlement to the humane
providers!  Maybe you have redneck ways in TX and feel the actions were
appropriate but I would do some checking & rechecking- I know I will.  I
will be in eastern TX in Nov.  and have some long-standing ties to the TX
police community.  You bet I will look into your claims post haste and be
happy to report back to this forum!  (I have already forwarded your post
to my "friends" in TX law enforcement for clarification)
As for your comment" look at the whole Jen Morrision deal... Animals lots
of them lay DEAD in their cages, most so sick they couldn't stand up
etc..  and this was witnessed by a lot of people.".... I cannot begin
to tell you how ferret community has caused the outcome of this.  Hat,
emotional letters DEMANDING the atty, prosecutors etc to take an action
will only cause this type of reaction.  You MOCK they system with
disrespect.  While I too was upset that the punishment did not fit the
crime- we caused the whole thing to happen.  The ferret community cannot
act like rednecks and expect any respect from local justice systems plain
and simple!  While we have this mentality there will be no justice for
ferrets- they will be a mockery and WE AS A WHOLE need to understand
that.  The fact that NO witnesses ever make these inflammatory overstated
cries and please is another issue all together- we hear third hand,
fourth hand and fact get distorted.  The emotional pleas get overblown
and facts get blown out of proportion.  I have received several reports
that the reports we received via this list was NOT accurate rather
overblown and reactionary - say what to this?  Were you there?  - did
you see?
I am not debating a zillion more points that COULD be made in regard to
your post.  The facts are the SYSTEM will not change UNTIL we work with
it!  And we must for the good for the ferrets!
Alicia D.
[Posted in FML issue 3926]