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Wed, 24 Apr 2002 01:29:06 -0400
Todd Leuthold <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled grocery inspectors...
(Nope...not fit for humans...this either...or this...not that...hey...this
all must be for US!)
Broomie FD mumbled something about:
>...with the tunnel overhead attached for total $250 canadian...
Wait...let me convert...uh...carry the 9...divide by 700...square root of
strawberry pie...OK, that means it's only $8.39 U.S., right? :)
Eric Callagy mumbled something about:
>I've been planning on getting a ferret for a while now and I've done a
>lot of research on them...
So, this means you know that only "normal" ferrets have *two* tails and
the mentally defective ones only have *one* tail, correct? :)
RE: "2002" Four Rescue Spring Frolic
Last minute added event:
"Run, Yell and Scream"
This will be the closing event when everyone discovers that the ferrets
have figured out how to open all of their cages and are now running loose
throughout the Frolic area.  Bring spare oxygen--you'll need it!
RE:  Buck-a-Month (BaM) Club
>Be sure you include your name and clearly mark that the dollar is for the
>Buck-a-Month club.
Remember, don't write directly on the dollar--with all those dollars
floating through such a small area of Pennsylvania, the bank staff will
start to wonder who all of these people are and what on earth kind of club
is this anyway! :)
Russell Prater mumbled something about:
>URA Redneck if you take the entire day off to get your teeth cleaned
Imagine for a moment, that you are all by yourself, you've got an Alpha
Male that weighs 6 pounds, that needs his teeth cleaned, but doesn't
*WANT* his teeth cleaned.  Now *THAT* could take all day! :)
Nemecheks mumbled something about:
>Can someone tell me why a ferret would hiss?  Mine plays with me and the
>other animals but makes a sound simular to a cat hissing.  She doesn't
>seem made, she will make that dooking noise, then the hissing sound. she
>will even climb on me, lck me and open her mouth and hiss. the hissing
>is always made with the mouth open. her fur never stands up.  Is she
>mad, or playing.
Well, it could be for any of the reasons you've thought of, or it could
be any of the following:
1) She's spent entirely too much time around cats.
2) She's sprung a slow leak.
3) She swallowed a snake.
4) She is mispronouncing one of her "dooking" sounds.
5) She really, really wants to be a cat when she grows up and is
   practicing for that day. :)
NOTE:  All suggestions, recommendations, statements and quips listed above
are for entertainment purposes only.  I am in no way affiliated with 'Ms.
Cleo', who is an entertainment all to herself.  If you have no sense of
humor, you can download one at: http://www.GiveMeASenseOfHumor.com for only
$5,000.00 (U.S. funds only, not that Canadian stuff!).  Send all money to
me and I'll...uh...be sure it gets to the proper party! ;)
Todd and the (where does he *get* this stuff???) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 3762]