Ferret for sale in Long Island:
Female,Sable,1yr old(Was 7wks when I got her on 5/25/01),Path Valley
Ferret(I would guess because she came from Petco and has no Marshall
Ferret tattoos or anything),Doesn't Nip,Doesn't Bite,Litter box trained.
I love her to death but I don't have time anymore to keep cleaning up
after her always & Don't have time to let her run around for hours per a
day.She comes with all her supplies & a cage.
(Supplies:2 Litter boxes,"Yesterday's Ferret News" Ferret Litter,Large
Water Bottle,Bowl,Hammock,Ferretone,Toys,Shampoo,Ferretvite,Cat Treats,
Tartar Control Cat Treats,Hairball Control Cat Treats,Baking Soda,
Ultra-Blend Ferret Treats,Clamps,Bandits Ferret Treats,8-in-1 Ear
Cleaner,Slick Brush,Ferret Deoderizing Spray,Nail Clippers)
(Cage: 2Level,SuperPet Cage - In Okay condition)
I'm located in Long Island,NY and asking for $300 (Will go less
possibley)...Please E-Mail me if your interested due to I don't usually
check the FML often.
[Posted in FML issue 3760]