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Mon, 23 Sep 2002 16:37:12 -0400
Carrie Paps <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Hi all,
After a lovely week on the beach, reality has once again stuck it's ugly
face in my door.  My hubby (who you all might remember went through
disability about 3 years ago and remains on it at age 33) now has heart
problems.  He goes for more tests on Friday but I tell ya, it was a BIG
kick in the A$$ for Mr. "I can smoke and eat whatever I want and not
die."  He is already planning his funeral, thought we don't know for sure
what if going on yet.  I feel so bad for him.  I should note, he was dxed
with diabetes a year ago and also has quit smoking (2 packs/day) 2X now
for over a year.
On to my other problems...Pip got his Lupron shot on Saturday, he was so
ticked off he pooped and peed all over Dr. Keith, poor Dr. Pip is going
to be 7 in January and has heart and adrenal problems.  We opted to avoid
surgery due to his age, but he poor guy gets 4 meds/day.  At least he
won't be trying to kill the other kids again for a bit.  The first shot
lasted 6 months.  As for the other fuzzy CHILDREN (that was to "annoyed")
Buzz had a little bit of tough time adjusting to being without Pip.  Pip
was being so evil, he was in solitary confinement.  Anyway, Buzz showed
weight loss and I found him gagging too, gave him a big old dollop of
Laxatone and he is back to his perky pleasant self (Pip is back with him
too).  Ozzy (whole male) is out of season and living with the young'ins
again and lovin it.  Thor (poor Thor) is going to go Dr. Fear in MI soon
to see about surgery for his adrenal.  He lost all his hair in 3 months
time, but his attitude has never changed and he loves a good head rub
every morning.  As for the rest (Luna, Scooter, Angel, Bud, and Ben) they
are all doing well, either on the meds of just in general.
Now, for Alaska, your Rocky sounds like my Pip.  Pip was adrenal at 3
years (first surgery at 4, now doing Lupron shots) and he would also
reach between the bars and grab the ones he hated (Ben and Bud) and try
to kill them.  I recommend getting some blood work on Rocky and seeing
if adrenal is starting and just not showing any outward signs yet.  Also,
give him one on one time with Daddy.  I do this with all my kids,
everyone gets a one on one snuggle with mommy every other day.  I have 9
left (11 total, 2 crossed the bridge last year) and I can't do one on one
play time, but I can do a cuddle/snuggle.  If you can, do 30 minutes
alone with Rocky a day, let him/her know you still love them special
[Posted in FML issue 3915]