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Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:58:17 -0400
text/plain (36 lines)
Hello everyone,
My almost one year old female discovered a tasty treat, insects.  When it
started warming up the flies and ladybugs appeared.  Well the flies half
asleep swirling on the floor did not know what a tasty treat they would
become.  every time I see her going after them I would try to stop her.
She would get into the window sills and go crazy trying to catch one.
Well the flies and ladybugs are gone.  Oh she did not find the ladybugs
too tasty!!!
Well somehow a centipede made it's way into one of their toy boxes/ Could
not figure out why she was going nuts, scratching and flinging everything
out of her path to the centipede.  Got her before she gobbled it down.
Now I rent a old stone house in the farm country so we see some insects
wander in from time to time including a chipmunk.  Where do they all head
to for the food that she loves to store everywhere.  Well, while cleaning
under the bed we found some carpet beatles and well to say the least their
larvae was all over the stashed food.  I freaked and went to town cleaning
every hidey hole she has.  I normally go through once a week and vacuum
under the bed, the sofa & recliner-her favorite spots.  So it was a
surprise to see these nasty things.
So after grossing you all out,my question is, can she get sick from
eating the insects?????  I know she goes back and eats her stashed food
and do not know how many Beatles she has consumed.
The other question I have does anyone have a ferret with a mohawk??  My
almost one year old male sable has a mohawk.  Been there for weeks now.
Looks silly with it but fits him well!  Just wonder if this is common for
ferrets.  It extends from ear to ear and goes back to a point.
Thank you a bunch,
Donna, Whiskey & Harley
[Posted in FML issue 3840]