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Tue, 7 May 2002 12:34:46 -0400
Sharon McLaughlin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
My Ferret Princess is blind now.  I didn't see it coming on either.  She
is 7 Years old.  She definately has slowed down with age.  She will still
war dance once in a while on a good day and she still loves to come out of
the ferret room and sniff her way around the house.  She seems to approach
things more carefully.  She is a nut for squeaky toys.  She was always the
Hider of the Squeaky toys.  Now if I squeak them, she comes, grabs it and
runs until she hits the wall.  Once shes there, shes puts it down and
comes back for more.  I guess she figures its good as long as its not in
the middle of the floor.  When I first suspected that she was blind it was
because if you would talk to her, She seemed to sniff the air and try to
follow your voice, but never look at you.  So I took her into the kitchen
and let her walk around.  She walked very cautiously and slow and she was
bumping into the table legs etc..  Then I knew for sure.  It doesn't seem
to affect her.  Im sure it affects me more.  Shes my little special girl.
I have had her since she was about 8 weeks old.  She still had little
stitches in her belly from her Spay and could fit in the palm of my hand.
As for the Posts about Ferret Sickness.  She had Adrenal Surgery a year
ago.  Until then she has been healthy as a horse.  I seem to have gotten
Lucky with my sweet little Girl.  I have no idea what Breeder she is from.
When I bought her, I was told by the pet store that they "Got her from
some guy".  I just wish I had it as easy with my Woobie.  He was a
Marshalls and my Very First Ferret.  He Had Adrenal at age 3.  It was
emergency Surgery because his Urethra was blocked and he was suffering.
Later in life he developed Liver and Spleen Cancer and Stomach Ulcers at
age 7.  He had cancer running through out his body.  The Vet wanted to
put him to sleep the day the Ultra Sound showed all of this.  I took him
home with some carafate and fed it to him 3 times a day to keep his
stomach comfortable.  He Ate, He Drank, He Played and he had the best 2
weeks of his life.  I woke up one morning to give him his meds and morning
feeding and he'd died in his sleep.  My Other 3 ferrets were all laying
with him.  He went peacefully and with his Pals.
Will I get more ferrets?  Im not sure.  I'll have to see where I am at the
time.  Right now I have 5.  Princess is old, slowing down alot and most
likely nearing the end of her life.  I am Going to be Heart Broken.  That
will make my 2nd Heart Break from these Guys.  I will have 4 more after
her, They are all young and healthy at the moment.  I will have to see
where I am in another 8 years or so.  When they Break my heart, I cant
bear the thought of having more.  But when I get ferret Kisses, I cant
bear the thought of not having them any more..
Sharon Gilliss
Princess, Mystic, Crystal, Galooch and Rocky
Missing Woobie more then words can say...
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[Posted in FML issue 3776]