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Sat, 20 Apr 2002 16:04:19 EDT
Jennifer McClanahan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
To the person who asked about suggestions on sofas...
Something that i have found that has been ferret proof now for about 6
months so far is....*drum roll please*.... Wall Paneling.  That's right,
the thin like wall paneling that is in most trailors works nicely.  We
had to buy a new couch about 6 months ago or so, due to fuzzy damage, and
i decided the bottom wasnt going to get chewed out of this one, or the
stuffing slung out.  So, we went to our local home inprovement store and
got some wall paneling, and got it cut to the size of our couch, and
nailed that sucker all the way around the bottom of the couch.  Sure, the
fuzzies still try to dig at the little curtains at the couch, and might
dig at the paneling, but, so far, all nails are still in place, and no
fuzzies have been under the couch.  I hope this helps.  I think you can
get a sheet of paneling starting at $4 a sheet.  You shoulnt really need
a whole sheet though.  Just make sure you measure, measure, measure before
going to the cutting board.
[Posted in FML issue 3759]