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Thu, 14 Mar 2002 09:09:11 -0500
LvMyPhzBtt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Hello everyone!
My name is Dee, and I've been a member of FML for a few years, now.
Lately I mostly lurk, but I DO read.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm in my second semester of college
after being away from school for 20+ years.  I'm mom to 11 fur kids,
mostly from shelters between NY, NJ, PA and FL.  A few of them are hard to
adopt ferrets (blind, deaf, blind & deaf, needing meds, biters, you get
the picture).  Some have been abandoned by their original human parents.
I'm going to ask a favor of the ferret community today.  I try to fit
ferrets into my class assignments whenever possible (my teachers roll
their eyes and laugh).  I have to write an essay for my English
Composition class about something I feel strongly about.  Having
volunteered in several shelters, and reading FML and other newsgroups and
bulletin boards, I am aware of the aspects with animal abandonment on
small and large scales.  I am aware of the burden this puts on shelters
across the country.  I am aware of the stress and depression that follows
for the animal being abandoned.  What I am asking for is stories from
shelters and private owners with regards to abandoned ferrets or any
animals (I know some of you shelter more than one type of animal) that I
can use for reference in my essay.  This essay will not be published.
It is strictly a class assignment.  I will change names for those of you
who request it.  I just really want to make an impact on my class with
regards to a subject that I DO feel strongly about.  Perhaps this essay
will follow them far beyond their college years.
I hope some of you will respond to my request.  You can write me at
[log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance.
Warmest Regards,
Dee, Mooch, 'Spresso, Breezely Bruin, Charles, Dash, Vera, Good Will,
Havoc, Nala, Rudy and Sweet Pea.
[Posted in FML issue 3722]