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Tue, 19 Feb 2002 10:22:58 +0000
Alan Bradwell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Dear FML readers
Please spare a thought and a prayer for my ferret Rolo as he is not at all
yesterday (monday 18th Feb) he escaped the kitchen where we were keeping
him whilst my girlfriend and i were mopping our wooden floor in the living
room.  as soon as he was in the same room as us, he jumped into the bucket
of hot water that we were using.
he has burnt his paws quite badly and the belly which was still rather
bald after he was spayed before christmas.
we rushed him to our vet who gave him an injection of anti biotics and
anti inflamatory medicines and gave us some cream to apply to his affected
areas.  the vet has told us that although the burns are not as bad as they
could have been, that it is still very serious because there is a real
risk that there could be secondary problems such as kidney failure.  this
shocked me because i had no idea that the totally different things as
scalded paws and kidney failure could be connected.  i have no reason
to doubt her though.  she is very good and i have every faith in her
abbilities, i only hope that she is preparing us for the worst case
scenario rather than preparing us for the enevitable.
it is little comfort at the moment, but there was very little water in the
bucket, if it had been full i dread to think how much worse it could have
this has very abruptly brought home the total need for ferret proofing
and extreme caution when using hot water or any other substance for that
matter.  So please spare a thought for Rolo and hopefully your good wishes
will speed him on his way to recovery.
thanks for listening.
Alan Bradwell.
[Posted in FML issue 3699]