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Sun, 10 Feb 2002 21:03:05 -0600
Phyl Spy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
I would greatly appreciate any input on this very difficult decision.  Up
to this time, I have been owned by 6 relatively young healthy ferrets.  We
have been blessed with 2 years of routine yearly exams and vaccinations.
The first ferret was a kit purchased as a gift from a pet store in NC and
the other 5 were adopted - all at around the age of 6 months or so.  I am
now facing my first illness with a ferret and am looking at possibly
needing to make some tough decisions regarding her care and well-being.
I really like my vet and he seems knowledgeable about ferret-related
illnesses.  There are a few issues that he and I don't agree on, but we
have been able to work out an arrangement that is comfortable for both of
us.  When something questionable comes up, he does give me several options
and lets me make the final decision on how I would like to proceed.
However, I have this nagging feeling that I might be entrusting the care
of my ferret to a vet that might not be the best choice for her.  I have
heard rumblings about some of his techniques and it is causing me some
concern, but it seems you hear rumblings about every vet in this area.
Is this just human nature, that no vet is as good as "my vet"?
My question is this - How does one know that they are using the most
knowledgeable, experienced vet they can find?  Do you rely on input from
fellow ferret owners?  How do you interview a vet?
This might seem strange that these questions are just coming to the
surface, but as I stated, we have not been faced with any serious health
issues up to this point, so the questions had not come up.
[Posted in FML issue 3690]