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Thu, 7 Feb 2002 10:38:34 -0700
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First of all, for those of you that know me, know that when I have
something to say, I say it and I say a lot of it.  But there was one
time that I wanted to say lots and could not find the words... I was
speechless... and this was on the day of my wedding...
Secondly, if we had planned this better, we could have had the whole
symposium attendees attend our wedding.  That really would have been
something.  But it was so great to see everyone again, and meet new ferret
folk that my mind left marriage mode and concentrated on the conference
instead.  Know that even though everyone did not attend the wedding, that
each and every one of you were with us when we got married.  How often
does one get surrounded with people who love and appreciate ferrets as
much as this group did?!  In all reality, I think that it was the love in
the air from everyone and their genuine concern for ferrets that finally
convinced both James and I that there wasn't a better time to get hitched.
Special thanks goes to the group at the symposium who sold unknowingly
sold us our perfect wedding rings... silver ferret bands.  Who knew just
how perfect everything would work out.  These rings are the truest form
of representation that we could have ever asked or hoped for.  Not only do
they represent our love of each other and the love of ferrets, but they
also represent the dedication James and I have shown each other, as well
as our on going dedication to ferrets everywhere.  They are simply
You haven't met real ferret people until you want to get married, and
married at the drop of a ferret doodle.  It was funny to see those looks
of skepticism turn to looks of surprise and then complete utter joy and
happiness at the realization that a weasely wedding was indeed going to
take place.  I have never seen such cooperation in getting things so
quickly together.  True organizers the whole lot of them!  Within a half
hour of James and I finalizing our decision to get married, we were on
our way to the court house to get the license.  These guys were truly
amazing in getting things together!
To those that shared our special day... I cannot thank you enough.  You
really do not know how much you guys mean to me and to James!
Lisa... it was so great to see you again, and this time with your hubby
Tom in tow.  What a great guy and what can I say... we were both happy
that the two of you could share this moment with us!  Thank you for doing
all the arrangements... You are indeed the wedding queen!  All I remember
is being in a daze, and that was without booze!  And in true ferret form,
thank you for blessing us with the gift of spontaneity and impishness.
Our ferrets are still war dancing over it.
Tom... it was truly great to meet you!  You're a pretty cool guy.  The
week was not long enough to really get to know you, but at least we were
given a sample of more to come.  Thank you so much for participating in
our marriage.  And thanks for making that last minute "alteration" of the
you-know-what to the you-know-who.  I hope the you-know-who won't think
all Canadians do this type of thing!  Wink, wink.  Thank you for blessing
us with the gift of cool headedness, and your ease of integration within
our group.  Our ferrets are truly proud!
Linda... Your "wedding cake" was marvelous!  We want to know where we can
get more!  I had to save a couple of pieces to wrap but it was hard to
resist not eating them!  And thank you for honoring us with the presence
of Ferret.  Ferret made a wonderful ring bearer and we were so thrilled
that Ferret attended his (her?) first wedding.  Thank you for blessing us
with your gifts of quick thinking and ingenuity.  Our ferrets applaud you.
Bill... Thanks for the warm up ceremony Trekkie style - complete with rank
insignia.  It was an honour to have the FML moderator at our ceremony.
(Betcha you feel bad that I didn't get that FML T-shirt I was bidding on
at the conference now, eh!)  James is asking about the location of those
"special cards" you gave us at the wedding... Bob!  Tom!  Check your
pockets!  Thank you for blessing us with the gift of humor and wit, for
when one has ferrets, these are absolute necessities to get one through
to the next day!
Helen... I guess height had its advantages when catching the bouquet,
although I understand later that both Linda and Lisa ran the other way
once the bouquet was thrown!  It seems that there is this rule that once
married, you can't participate in getting hitched again!  You caught my
only blue parasol... there's a sign in there somewhere!  Those chocolates
you gave us are heavenly... I'm not sure how long they'll last but it
looks like we have to share them with the ferrets.  They will not leave
us alone while we have them!  Thank you for blessing us with the gift of
naughtiness.  I think I know where those missing cards went...
Bob... James could not have been more honored than to have you stand up
for him at our wedding and the same goes for me too.  Your presence there
gave our ceremony a special blessing, one I could never truly express in
just words alone.  And in true ferret form, you showed us that, even
though older ferrets become exclusionists, that those that are young at
heart, are still social.  You are a part of our sibling group now and we
will recognize you as such always.
In fact, you all are a part of our sibling group from this day forward.
My toast to you is this:
May the winds always carry the seeds of joy and happiness where ever they
may blow,
May the rains always carry the water, and give the seeds the nutrients to
May the soil always be rich with the essentials of life and give the seed
a warm bed,
May the sun shed its light daily, and the moon shed nightly and give rest
to each head.
May thunder be only a sign of the life-giving waters to come.
May storms be only a sign of the calm to follow.
This we share with you, now and forever, with the blessing of our fuzzy
Akela, Charlie, Cherokee, Gadget, Lace, Mr. B, Mushu, Ping, Rayden,
Sammy, Sateeva, Slim, Spaz, Thalia, Uh-Oh!, and Zsa-Zsa.
Missing Bella... and the fur-angels: Chook, Dolly, Gizmo, Bear, Tinder,
Taero, Rocko, Tasha, Tinder, Titch, Vincent, Hobbes, Midge, Max,
Squeegie, Jingles, and Smudge.
love and hugs
betty and james and their blur o'fur
for the love of ferrets
PS: I honor of this special occasion, we would like to make this special
request: In lieu of wedding presents (because I know you are all dying to
send us lots and lots of them!) we ask that you make a donation to your
local ferret shelter, or to the ADV research fund, or to another worthy
ferret cause.  This would make us happiest of all and be the best present
anyone could give us.  Drop us a line and let us know where you donated
when they are all collected, I'll post them as our list of "wedding
gifts".  If you would like your name posted, or listed anonymously, let
me know.  I look forward to hearing from you all!
[Posted in FML issue 3687]