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Mon, 17 Dec 2001 16:56:33 -0500
Jen Phillips <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
Hi everyone,
Shannon wrote.....
>>Also, thanks to everyone that replyed about the ferrets photoperiods and
>>using red lighting.
>Red lighting???  Did I miss something?
I had asked about ferrets photoperiods, and someone pointed out an article
(http://www.miamiferret.org/fhc/lighting.htm) that talks about using red
lighting to simulate darkness in an environment where less full spectrum
light would be better.  It's pretty much like the exhibits at a zoo where
they have a nocturnal animal so they use red lighting so the animal still
thinks it's night-time and will come out.
Since the extended periods of light that we humans put our furkids in so
that we can see them at night can possibly be a bad thing long term, we
decided to try using red lighting as suggested in the article.
It might do nothing for their health, or it might at least help with their
shedding cycle (our fuzzies are off track with shedding, it seems).  We
figured it would be worth a try anyhow.
The article explains everything MUCH better than I can, but I tried to
give the general idea.
>From:    Terri Dreffer <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: dropper bottle/ other ideas/ Pet care contest
>I found an excellent Ferretone dropper bottle!  Only "catch" is you must
>wear contact lenses and use (or know someone who does) the Boston brand
>contact solution for hard, or gas permeable lenses.  But if you can get
>your hands on those little 1 fl. oz. white bottles.... They are perfect!!
This is a good idea.  Unfortunately, neither of us wear contacts, but
this a great idea for people out there who do that might find the bottles
>Hope this might help, or at least spark some ideas.  I have a few extra
>of these bottles ... and wouldn't mind sharing.  Guess it would depend on
>how many "requests" there would be.  lol.
Quite a few people replied to me, and one person had some dropper bottles
that she said she could send me.  So, since I already told her to go
ahead and send them my way, I'll pass on these.  Thanks alot for the
offer though.
>Also... Michele, just wanted to let you know that Bailey Ann got my vote...
>and she was winning by a pretty good margin!!  Good Luck!
I wanted to mention too,while I'm thinking of it, that I also voted for
Bailey Ann.  Also sent the voting page to some of my family who are
ferretlovers too.  She is such a cute little thing!
Happy Dookin'
 Take care,
 Jen, Mike & the Ferrets
 Loki, Fria, Jamocha, Vivi, & Duke
[Posted in FML issue 3635]