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The Ferret Aid Society <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 15 Sep 2001 14:07:38 -0400
text/plain (33 lines)
Hi everyone.  It's been such a sad week with everything going on in the
US.  Mommie and I want to send our prayers to you all and let you know we
participated in a candle lighting on Friday at 7.  Some of us (not me!!)
went to donate blood too.
Things here have been the same.  We are so busy with the shelter, mommie
just doesn't know what to do sometimes.  Shamrock (Shammy) was adopted out
with his buddy Lenny.  They went to 2 separate homes but the homes they
went to are best friends too!
I went to Guelph University on Monday.  The infection isn't in my lungs
like mommie suspected.  It's still in my sinuses and my throat.  Dr.
Taylor showed mommie the video of the scope he did and i have yucky stuff
in my throat.  they did culture and sensitivity on the goop they found and
we're waiting on the results.
Woozelette had a seizure on Saturday of last week but she's doing much
better now and eating on her own.  mommie is really happy about that.
We're also getting ready for the Ceilidh ferret fundraiser next Saturday.
Although most of our parents don't feel much like celebrating, mommie says
they need to raise funds to help keep the shelter going.
My love to you all and your ferrets too! Love, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
Work like you don't need the money... Love
like you've never been hurt...And dance like no one's watching!
[Posted in FML issue 3542]