We had a first fire in the fireplace this weekend since we got Pandora.
Persephone knows that the fireplace is forbidden, although one of us is
always in the room to make sure. We were anticipating an intense evening
of relaxing in front of the fire interspersed with ferret discipline, but
when Pandora approached, she got a snoot full of ashes and hasn't gone
near the fireplace since then. She walked around for about 10 minutes
making the funniest little ferret sneezes. The cats look at her with the
funniest expressions. I just sat there and laughed.
She got her revenge later. She has figured out how to climb into the
laundry hamper to fetch SOCKS. No sock is safe anymore. It might be time
to buy a new hamper with a stronger lid.
[Posted in FML issue 0627]