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Tue, 7 May 2002 14:42:16 EDT
Jennifer Irwin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
None of you had heard of this sweet boy yet.  I work at a petstore and he
came in to us (from marshalls) way too young, very skinny and extremely
weak.  He was not able to eat solid food so I took him home with me to try
to get him eating duck soup, etc.  He tried very hard for two days but he
was just to weak to keep going.  I was petting him yesterday and singing
to him and telling him how good of a boy he was.  He was so brave and I am
so proud of him.  I told him that I knew he was tired and if he was tired
of fighting then he could relax and go to sleep.  He quit breathing just a
few minutes later.  I am having him cremated (like I plan on doing with my
own ferrets when they are no longer alive).  I only knew him for two days
but I was so attached to him.  He was a beautiful creme color and he was
the sweetest boy I have ever met.
I will never forget you Sammie.  I love you and I miss you so much.  Thank
you for trying for me like you did.
I would like to post pictures but I am not sure how.  If anyone could
tell me I would appreciate it very much.  you can email me @
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Thank you,
[Moderator's note: Can't post them to the FML, but perhaps people could
suggest appropriate web sites where you can post pictures.  Of course,
you could post the address of such a place here.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3776]