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Mon, 29 Apr 2002 17:21:29 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
>Has any veterinarian on this list had any luck with treating prepucial
>adenocarcinoma?  The ferret will be six years old in June.  He is being
>X-rayed Monday to see if it has metastasized.  Depending on what we find
>I may also have an ultra sound done.  The pathologist said these tumors
>are often related to overproduction of hormones and/or adrenal disease.
>He has shown no signs of this.  Would it be beneficial to have exploratory
>surgery done for adrenal or not advisable since this is such a fast
>growing, aggressive cancer?  I appreciate any insight anyone can give me
>on this.
Dear X:
Unfortunately, this tumor is actually not related to adrenal disease at
all.  These tumors happen independently of adrenal disease.  They are
relatively aggressive, and if metastasis can be identified by ultrasound
or X-ray of the intra-abdominal nodes, where it is likely to metastasize.
Not all of these go bad, however - if you intervened early, and excised
it completely, you may have gotten all of it before it metastasized.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3768]