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Thu, 11 Apr 2002 11:46:06 -0400
Heather Wojtowicz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (66 lines)
Hi all-
So many warm and touching e-mails and e-cards poured in to my inbox that I
could not thank them all individually unless I took an entire day off from
work and home and individually let each one know how much it meant to get
that kind of support and caring.
As I grieve for Nikita it has never been so clear to me how important it
is to have a network, both large and small, of not only fellow pet lovers.
but fellow FERRET lovers.
I have a close-knit group around me of ferret friends...they are the
ones who sent flowers and spent some time with me on the phone and stuck
sympathy cards on my truck for me to find after work!!  Then there is
the larger, FML group and people I have met online, who offered not only
sympathy but also messages of hope of one day seeing that lost furry face
I have family members who are also "pet people".  My dad has a dog that
he loves dearly, and my aunt has four cats and two dogs that are her
babies.  Yet, somehow, they failed to take my loss very seriously.  My
dad was dismissive and my aunt didn't bother to reply to my e-mail.  It
was strange to me that other family members, who know what it is like to
deeply love furry family members, would not understand how I felt about
losing Nikita.
And so, I am very grateful these past few days to have met and to know so
many FERRET people.  I've come to believe that with a few exceptions, only
other ferret owners can really understand the loss of a ferret, even as
opposed to other pets.
I would enthusiastically advise new ferret owners to get involved with
local ferret groups, ferret clubs, etc, to make some other ferret-owning
friends in your area.  It was of immeasurable comfort to me to have
friends nearby who knew exactly what I was going through, and offered
personal comfort and support.  And knowing others who have gotten through
the grief was also my "touchstone" for knowing that this initial pain
would pass and that it would get better with time.  Without the immediate
support from both the FML and my "ferret friends", I would feel a lot
worse today than I do.  Getting flowers, getting cards, talking on the
phone with another ferret-loving friend, and having several "good" crying
spells actually helped a LOT.  Tuesday night, I didn't think I would ever
be able to say Nikita's name without bursting into tears.  But today I am
already able to talk about good times with her to others in my office.
Everything people did helped.  EVERYTHING.
So...to anyone who's not plugged into a group or club, think about making
some close-by contacts.  It made a world of difference.  Ferret groups,
like all groups, can have their differences and those times when everyone
is mad at each other, but when the time comes that someone is grieving,
the support of those who know your pain firsthand is a saving grace.
In other news, the haikus just keep coming!!!  After Saturday's FML, I'll
consider them all "submitted" and forward the whole bunch in one document
to BIG.  Hopefully, by early next week we'll know who the winners are...
and you can tell me what colors you would like your wall hanging to be!!
FML, you are a fantastic bunch.  You're helping me get through this.
Thank you.
-Heather W. in Massachusetts
 Comforted by Dante, Dusty, Beanie, Boomer, and Rocky
 Waiting to give Nikki raisins and kisses at the Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 3750]