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Wed, 27 Mar 2002 20:30:07 -0500
Selina Siu <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (22 lines)
today (day you are reading the FML) is the last day of my art show in
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  it's open till 6 tonight, if you think you
still might make it.  I don't think I have seen any ferret people here,
at least nobody who signed my guest book indicate that they might be a
ferret person.  I had something bad happen on opening day, I exported my
animation to a newer flash format, and it made one random sequence that
repeats endlessly, instead of many different random sequences.  one of
the things in the animation is that I have a ferret jumping at the moon,
and sometimes he catches it, so there were a few people who waited and
waited for the ferret to catch the moon that never saw it.  it has been
fixed since, but I still feel really bad about it, but Murphy's law will
happen... the funny thing is that nobody noticed my movies weren't
I will post more about my work later.
// ************************************************
// Selina, Birch, Dief, Sprite,       Sand and Bear
//                      missing Storm
// http://www.cgl.uwaterloo.ca/~ssiu
[Posted in FML issue 3735]