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Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:29:08 -0800
Cheryl Nordgulen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hi to everyone,
Critterpen is temporarily empty of shelter ferrets and personal ferrets.
But, I expect there will be phone calls this Spring again.  My health has
been terrible and I have had to spend a lot of time on bedrest.  Animal
Planet is the only decent daytime show, so I watch it a lot.
I can't remember which show this was on, but I got a good laugh from it.
The location was Europe.  The subject, Stone Martens, who are the European
version of our Pine Martens, and who belong to the Mustelid family, just
like our wonderful ferrets.  The gist of the story was that these male
martens meet under the hoods of parked cars to fight over territorial
rights at night.  The photo showed one of the martins gleefully chomping
on the RUBBER parts of the car.  Since all mustelids have a penchant for
things rubber, it was pretty obvious what the attraction to the car was
However, I do worry about these martens.  Knowing how dangerous rubber
things are to our little loves, I am sure the stuff is just as dangerous
to the martens, who are not all that much larger than our little ones.
If anyone else saw this show, please contact me, as I would like to see
if we can do something to educate the people and protect the martens from
certain death.
Cheryl Nordgulen,
Critterpen Ferret Rescue
[Posted in FML issue 3728]