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Sat, 16 Mar 2002 13:45:21 -0500
The Ferret Aid Society <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
i've been sad.  Amadeus, auntie Pat's kid has crossed the Bridge.  i just
want her to know i love her and that my mommie and i are keeping her in
our thoughts.
Woozelette is doing a lot better.  she did a lot of running this week,
which is a bit abnormal for her but we're glad to see it!
we're all looking forward to St. Patty's Day!  mommie threatened to color
me green with food coloring if i wasn't good, so i've been on my best
behaviour (when she's around!)
auntie Lisa had a bit of a rough time at the shelter on Wednesday <evil
grin>  she let Jewel and Joey run in the hallway and kitchen and Jewel
snuck under auntie Carla's bedroom door <bigger evil grin>...well, auntie
Carla had 2 x-tra large coffees on her nightstand (they were cold) and
Jewel knocked them down!  by the time anyone noticed, auntie Carla's room
was flooded by coffee that leaked through the floor into the basement &
mommie's office ALL OVER the floor, desk, carpet and more!  we ferrets
sure can cause havoc when we want to! <biggest evil grin!>
We took in a new kid too!  His name is Rodney.  He's real cute and a bit
on the shy side.  mommie says he just needs some time to adjust.  we love
him already!  Thanks auntie Paige for picking him up for us!
Love, Harley "Bug"
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
Everything is okay in the end.  If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
[Posted in FML issue 3724]