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Thu, 14 Mar 2002 03:05:29 -0500
Benny Pyron <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (76 lines)
Dear FML friends,
Through tears still I have a story to tell of a tiny kit I named Lucky.
At least I thought he was lucky at the time he came into my life, but I
was wrong.
Every time I go to the mall I stop at the pet store inside the mall
(If names can be printed , it was The Pet Company, Town Center Mall,
Marietta, Ga.).
That day was no different.  Usually I will hold a baby, then leave.  I
did that, but on my way out I stopped again to look at the babies one
more time as they are so precious.  I was talking to the sales clerk about
my 5 fuzzies.  She asked me if Knew anything about sick ferrets to which
I replied, yes, some.  I have had ferrets for almost 7 years.  She led me
to the back office and there, in an aquarium, was a teeny tiny sable kit,
sleeping in a ball.  I asked to hold him.  To my shock, he was so cold and
weighed next to nothing.  I pinched up his skin to see if or how much he
was dehydrated.  His little neck skin stayed up as if it were made of wax.
I told the clerk, and the store mng. that this baby was severely
dehydrated for one thing and if he didn't get treatment RIGHT NOW, he
would die.  The clerk told me they had given the baby antibiotics in his
water(that he wasn't drinking!).  She said the store regional mng. would
not allow him to be seen by the store vet.  I was appalled to say the
least.  I say okay then, give him to me.  I'll take him to my vet.  I
told them, they would not be out anything because he would surely die if
he stayed here.  They agreed, at the risk of losing thier jobs and let me
take this precious little boy.
had previously called my vet, Dr. Sam Rivera of Bells Ferry Vet. Hospital
and told them of the situation.  I put the little boy under my sweater to
keep him warm and to feel secure on the way to the hospital.  And DARN it.
I was not going to call him a name, I was not going to get attached, but
in an instant, he was my little Lucky boy, and I loved him.  I gave him
some water(by syringe)and stopped along the way to get pedialyte.  (This
part's hard guys) I gave him the water, and he opened his little eyes and
looked at me as if to say, thank you for saving me.)
As soon as we reached the hospital, he was rushed into a cozy, warm
incubator.  He was immediately given sub. q fluids, I V fluids and
antibiotics.  It was suspected he had ulcers or possibly much worse, ECE
(I immediately notified the pet store).  In my love for this little guy,
I thought he'd be okay, but at 8:00am the next morning I recieved the call
I was dreading, Lucky didn't make it.  He was so very dehydrated and his
tiny little 1/2 lb body just couldn't take any more.  I had even made up
a bed for him to come home to.
Sandee, look out for this little guy for a while for me please.He needs
so much love that he never got here.  If my love would have been enough
to make him live, he be home with me right now.  Please let him know how
sorry I am that I couldn't save him.and that although we were only
together a very short while, I loved him very much.  Please also tell
Lucky that after I stopped crying, I got mad.  He will have not died in
vain.  I have file d a formal complaint against the regional manager of
the store.  He killed Lucky just as if he strangled him with his own hands
by not allowing treatment..  I will do everything in my power to see this
man fired.  He will NEVER do this again to any ferret.(or any other sweet
Lucky,, if you are listening(or if Sandee's reading this to you) I want
you to know that I gave the three hoomans that were responsible for me
having a chance to rescue you a white flower with a pretty blue bow, so
that when they look at it, they will be reminded of how beautiful you
were.  I KNOW you will be happy and healthy up at the bridge.  Have
Sandee teach you how to weasel war dance, it's a lot of fun!!!
I will miss you little Lucky boy.
Sue and Crew--Princess,Tori, Oscar, Sammy, & Nikki
     --- Benny Pyron</DIV>
     --- [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3721]