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Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:39:18 -0500
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Hello-- I'm writing an article for the annual publication "Critters USA."
The article will be packed with helpful information for the first-time
ferret owner, based on the words of wisdom from more experienced ferret
owners like you.
You can offer your advice by answering any or all of the questions below!
Please e-mail your responses to [log in to unmask] by next Monday,
March 18.
Thanks for your help!
1) What about the ferret's personality makes it a great pet?
2) What are some common household hazards to the curious ferret?  What do
you do to prevent accidents and injuries?
3) What equipment will the first-time ferret owner need?  (What products
are essential, such as a cage, a bowl, a litter pan, etc.?) Can you offer
any advice in selecting these items?  (Size?  Safety concerns?)
4) How would you describe a ferret's behavior to the first-time ferret
owner?  (What do certain noises mean?  Do they have special signals or
body language?  Show fear?  Hide illness?  Are they snuggly?)
5) Will a ferret need special care as it grows older?  (For example, more
vet visits?  Will it need a different diet?  Will its behavior change?
How should an owner treat an older ferret differently?)
6) In order to quote you, I'll also need the following info:
City/State of residence:
Ferret owner for how many years?
Name(s) of ferret(s):
[Posted in FML issue 3720]