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Wed, 6 Mar 2002 09:05:39 -0500
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First, let me say that I'll call the vet asa his office opens, 10 am East.
but as I' like a lion in a cage let me tell you the story, maybe one of
you knowledgeable people will be able to help us.
Douk was a five yo healthy ferret...He has been thru surgery 15 days ago
because of an duodenal interssusception.  We forcefeeded him for a few
days and he went back to eating his kibbles again... playful and happy.
10 days after the surgery, apparently because he licked some forgotten
drop of soap in the shower, he started vomitting.  Just once... but since
the, has been very.. not weak but "sleepy"  He doesn't eat much, I have
to forcefeed him again but he HATES that.  On the lighter side, he never
refuses to eat a piece of bread... go figure He drinks ok, he poops ok
when he has actually eaten enough to poop that is..  hi s stools are ok
but a bit "white", clearer than usual.  He's just super sleepy and would
easily forget to eat if I didn't use a seringe.... His belly/abdomen are
not bloated, when he has eaten I can ear bowel movements, like
crepitations... this doesn't seem to hurt, he likes to be "petted" on the
belly, small massages..  I really don't know what to do..  I just can't
keeping on forcefeeding him..  should I ?
thank you for every input, I'm VERY worried...
Sophie MKlesen
[Posted in FML issue 3714]