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Sun, 24 Feb 2002 00:23:31 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
>However, on a different message board, frequented by another renouned
>small animal doctor, I read an article on the subject that differentiates
>stroke from something she termed "cardiovascular disease", or a blood clot
>in the hind legs resulting from a disturbance in the flow of the vena
>cava.  Is there a difference, and is the later more common in ferrets?
>This would be of particular interest to me, since Snoop's surgery was an
>adrenalectomy.  Could the vena cava have "thrown a clot", and if so would
>the loss of use of his legs and bladder have been progressive (3-4 days)
>or sudden...
Dear X:
Thrombosis is uncommon in ferrets as well, but I have seen a couple.  The
type of thrombosis that would result in loss of hindleg use is generally
the result of cardiomyopathy, and the clot that is thrown impedes flow
at the distal aorta (which supplies the legs.)  In these cases, loss of
hindleg function occurs within minutes to hours, legs become hard,
swollen and cold, and no pulse is felt.
Because the direction of blood flow is toward the heart in veins, it isn't
possible for the vena cava to "throw a clot" that would affect the hind
The term cardiovascular disease simply means any disease of the heart or
vessels.  Cardiomyopathy is the most common form of cardiovascular disease
in ferrets.
I think that it is highly unlikely that the loss of hindlimb function that
your ferret has experienced is the result of thrombosis.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3703]