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Sat, 2 Feb 2002 12:10:28 -0600
Universal Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
First of all, Glory be to Eppers who is now home with his ecstatic mommy.
That post made me so happy inside.  Miracles do happen with the power of
prayer and friends.  This I know first hand.  Recently, my fiance and I
broke off our engagement and I knew it was coming.  Things just could not
go on the way they were.  The dilemma he placed me in was astronimical.
He wanted my ferrets out (14) in one month.  No reasoning whatsoever with
him.  He knew how to hurt me and the love I have for my ferrets and he
went directly for the jugular.  I was frantic.  I was sick to my stomach
and did not eat for 3 days trying to figure out what to do.  You see, the
apartment I moved into refuses pets.  There is no getting around it.
NO PETS.  PERIOD.  So my best friend stepped in.  She offered me a room
that is ferret proof as I already checked it out.  It is also climate
controled.  It is 4 times the size of the room they are in now at my
ex-fiances.  She lives 3 minutes from me and I am going to pay a small fee
each month for their room and board.  I have 24 hour access to the house
and will go visit them and stay with them "overnight if I so choose" and
clean up the room.  I am telling you that this was one load off my mind
beyond description.  Prayer works.  Your prayers work.  Your friendship
and love work miracles.  Donna, Eppers mom has been a friend to me beyond
belief.  I owe that woman more then I can ever say.  Kim Fox is another
one I am proud to call my friend.  Kat Parsons is an angel and a dear
friend also.  And all of you who have answered my many posts are
invaluable to me.  I thank you from my heart.  I send my best to you and
when things look their darkest just remember to all group together and be
there for one another.  It works.
Diane                                                                           ervice with MSN Hotmail. <a href='http://go.msn.com/bql/hmtag4_etl_EN.asp'>Click Here</a><br></html>
[Posted in FML issue 3682]