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Sun, 6 Jan 2002 12:24:31 -0500
Entropia <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Hi everyone, long time no speak.
For anyone that even remembers who I am, I lost one of my ferret buddies
in August.  First time I'd ever experienced this first hand, and to be
honest - it sucked donkey parts.  I mean big time.  Never thought I'd be
affected so badly my losing one of me mates, but well - it sucks.  All I
wanted to do was avoid ferret people, places and ferrets for the longest
time.  Do you know what I mean?  I fed, looked after and cleaned the
remaining 8 furrats, but - something just wasn't there anymore.  I'm
better now though, but many a person (non-ferret people) thought I was
strange for taking the loss of Hattie so hard.  Guess they don't get it
do they?  Heck - I didn't really get it till it happened... she was only
2 and a lil' bit.  (No - I didn't get an autopsy done - couldn't bear the
thought of it.  I know I know - but I just couldn't do it...)
Anyway - enough about that.  On to the reason for my post.  Has anyone
had any recent dealings with Corner Creek Acres??  I just called them,
and frankly - there's no way in heck I want to give them the $250 I was
prepared to pay them for a new cage now.  I'll go elsewhere.  I just
called their number, which is freely posted on www.cornercreek.com
It's not a secret number - searching in any search engine will bring it
up.  A woman answered.  I said "Hello, my names Emma, I'm calling you from
Ohio regarding a cage."  She said "Call back on Monday." I said, "I just
want a catalogue, could I just leave my address?" I didn't think that was
rude, but she came back with "Maybe you don't understand - I'll hang up,
you can call back again and I can ignore your call?" and then she hung
up... WTF?  If Sundays are a bad day to call - maybe they should mention
that on their webpage?
I like their cages - but there's no way I'm giving her any money now.  I
already have one of their cages - if this is the way they (and yeah - I
know it wasn't the guy that runs the operation that answered, but if that
was his wife then maybe he ought to train her a bit better in phone
etiquette?) treat return customers, it's time to go somewhere else.
So - any ideas?  I want a multilevel cage, with that nice "attic" type
roof the CCA cages have, and a couple of litter pans built in.  Has to
hold 8 frats.  I'd appreciate any ideas - and if the CCA guy is reading
this, maybe you need to have a chat with the missus before you go out of
business?  >;o)
[Posted in FML issue 3655]