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Sat, 27 Oct 2001 15:48:01 -0500
Dragon Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
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If you have doubts about using Lupron, and will it work, read Tenaka's
It has been a very long summer.  Early June, I had 4 ferrets come from a
friend.  I lost one of them within a week to adrenal disease that was too
far gone.  Then Bubb had to go for adrenal and tumor surgery early June.
The doctor and I lost him after a 4 week battle with lyphosarcoma.  Two
weeks after Bubba's surgery, I had decided to have surgery on Tenaka for
adrenal disease.
Tenaka's tumor was on the right gland and Dr. Ivan got off all she could.
He developed a kidney or blatter infection.  Also, an enlarged prostrate
gland was noticed.  Tenaka was put on Baytril.  After 2 months on Baytril
the infection has finally ceased.
Early September, I ordered the Lupron.  I was anxious for this so he could
be with his cage mates again.  I had just gotten them a nice big 3 level
cage.   One month past, Tenaka still had too much hormones in his system.
Still wanting to go after the females.  My hopes were starting to dwindle.
Last night, Friday, I thought I have to give it another try.
And to my joy, and happiness, Tenaka is back to playing and chasing not
caring whether the others are boys or girls.
The Lupron worked!  The prostrate gland is back to normal size and
function.  And Tenaka is now "just another one of the guys."
[Posted in FML issue 3584]