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Thu, 25 Oct 2001 05:20:13 -0500
Chris Perth <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
Hi you guys, hope all fuzzies and humans are doing great (and sick ones
recovering well).  Just something that I keep reading over here Well if
the noises produced by squeaky toys make fuzzies think it s a baby being
hurt (therefore making them attack to protect the baby-- maternal
instinct ), then the 3 fuzzies that own me would make horrible parents!
Logan and Salma fight for the squeaky toys constantly (only vocal
discussions--hissing), stealing from one another and hiding them (even
though there s plenty of toys for everyone, yet each wants them all!),
and then they bite them toys violently and KILL them, shaking heads over
and over (like when they eat meat too).
Leeloo on the other hand just ignores it (but them she doesn t have as
much of rubber-fetish as the other two), what a neglectful mommy she d be.
Not all squeaky toys they have are rubber, but the rubber ones are
the ones that make them more crazy (and biting much longer), and the
aggression is mostly towards the toy (but I do get hissed at if I don t
let the toy go when they re pulling).
Logan also had some weird reactions to other strange sounds, even towards
a effervescent drink that was sizzling next to him (and that time he did
bite me-maybe he knows biting the glass or the liquid wouldn t do anything
to stop the annoying noise, ha!).
He s gone after my boyfriend too after he did a funny whistle for a while,
but that was only in the beginning when he FIRST heard these weird noises
now he leaves my whistling boyfriend alone and doesn t care for sizzling
The impression I got (when the aggression was towards the human) was
that they don t like the noise and want it/you to stop.  I feel pretty
aggressive too when the delivery truck from a store next door is unloading
boxes early in the morning making so much noise it s impossible to
continue sleeping (not that I would actually bite the delivery men, but
shake them a little I would!  Hissing: can t you do this an hour
Anyway, no matter what goes into the fuzzies cute heads (and I m sure
that varies from fuzzy to fuzzy-since they re so different from
personalities and past experiences!)  I think it s just best to keep
whatever that targets aggressive behavior away from them!
Stick to making noises that they like!  Like opening the fridge where they
know the meat comes from, or shaking newspaper or plastic bags (something
that always makes the 3 fuzzies here start to dance and play!).
I think squeaky toys are still fun when the fuzzy s just playing with
it and not getting stressed, and also to be used as a call when fuzzies
are hidden or lost!
Er... It didn t turn out as small as I planned, sorry again.  I'll keep
Hugs and dooks to everyone!
Chris, Logan, Leeloo & Salma.
/-0 0-\
See the fuzzy-cuties at
[Posted in FML issue 3582]