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Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:33:35 EDT
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
I woke up to the day with Sean and Chet making decorations for Sean's
birthday.  They did a great job with make-shift streamers, signs, goodie
bags (little wooden baskets Chet made with goodies in them), and such.
The event went smoothly and not so smoothly.
We baked our cake together, and Rocky just wanted to sniff everything.  I
wanted to have Rocky loose and have Sean mix the cake on the floor though,
but Sean didn't want to.  He kept saying he would accidently step on Rocky
(he knows what distracts him and what doesnt,,,,so I listen).  We got a
couple pics of Sean mixing up the cake and holding Rocky so he could smell
everything.  Chet and Sean both iced the cake.  Chet decorated it being
the little artist he is.
When children began to arrive, Sean kept getting excited saying Rocky had
to be up with all of us at this point.  He wanted Rocky loose for the
entire party.  I was so sad.  Having several kids all around 7-10 years
old during a party would not be a good mix with ferrets.  Many of those
children had handicaps as it was making the situation further risky.  I
felt so bad for Sean.  Even though I had told him before hand that it was
not possible, he had a set vision of happy Rocky running about his friends
and sharing the party.  But we just couldn't for Rocky's safety.  We did
however have Rocky up here for some of the occassion... and we all took
turns holding him.  So that was nice.  In fact Carpet Shark Scott kept
bringing up ferrets to be held, etc all through the afternoon.
I think that was the first thing to go awry for Sean.  Then he had to deal
with children being in his home.  He broke into absolute tears twice.
Once was because children were touching his things in his room (remember
Rainman?  you got the picture).  He was also upset because the children
weren't doing as he expected some of the time (with autism... they tend
to think of others as objects... objects you can direct... therefore when
that does not happen it's upsetting and chaotic to them).  He had a
"picture" of children quietly playing checkers etc..  He had all the board
games set up.  I told him this wasnt' realistic ... but he did it anyway.
Its something I guess he had to experience and learn first hand.
This was his first real party (in his home... he is fine at party's out of
his home).  And despite a few concerns it was a huge success.  He never
got angry.  He had a great fun time.  All the kids had fun.  There were
not too many children, all the children were so quiet and well behaved
which was a great first experience for Sean.  They were so sweet and quiet
around the ferrets, I think the ferrets loved the attention!  Sean really
appreciated that.  The cake was delicious.  Everyone that was invited
showed up but one.  Very unusual.  I'll tell you I could not have asked
for a better first party.
OH and Sean got a little grey Scoozie!  What a thoughtful gift!  And it
was wrapped in a green bag, his favorite color.  He took it everywhere
with him over the weekend.  He got the movie "Cats and Dogs", and he got
his first music CD (N'Sync), oh and he got money.  I'll tell you this guy
LOVES money lol.  He counts his money DAILY.  He rarely spends it.  I
think he may be rich when he is older because he is so frugal.  He sure
could teach my other son how to hold onto money.
I wanted to thank everyone for their birthday wishes for Sean this week.
It really helped to make his day.  We printed off emails and cards and
posts.  Sean collected them and put them in his room.  The fact that they
were ferrety really made his day.  Thank you for helping to make this
little boys 10th birthday special
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3579]