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Wed, 3 Oct 2001 06:40:05 -0700
Melissa Barnes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
Hi folks!
I have several things to talk about...
First thing, I didn't think FerretGuy's statement regarding muslims was
at all hateful to muslims.
FerretGuy said - "Now we are attacked by radical muslims who blaspheme
their God and try to convince us through their terrorist act that this
was done for Allah."
I know MANY muslims who feel exactly the same way.  The operative word is
"radical".  The perpetrators of the terrorist attacks on September 11,
whether they claim Islam or some other religion, HAVE commited a great sin
according to the Qur'an.  They HAVE blasphemed their God.  Whether they
claim Islam or not, those people have done evil, in the eyes of Jesus,
God, Allah, and any other deity you might follow.  It isn't hateful to
muslims to say that those "radical muslims" who perpetrated these acts
are sinners, blasphemers, evil-doers and generally not very nice, because
that is TRUE, and does not reflect on Islam in general.
As to shelters not having donations coming in... Well, GOOD for FerretGuy
to stand up and say something!  I have donated my money, my life-blood,
and anything else I could think of to the relief efforts in NYC.  But it
has nagged on my conscience that so many other charities will go without
needed funds because of this.  Yes, we have suffered a tragedy in this
country.  And we have banded together to overcome it.  But at some point
we will have to tear our eyes away from that hypnotic scene in NYC and
remind ourselves that life DOES go on.  And that pouring all our resources
into ONE event will shut this nation down.
It isn't the FerretGuy you should be worried about, without those
donations.  It is the ferrets.  In his shelter, in all the other
shelters.  The animals in city shelters, the city missions, the United
Way, Make-A-Wish, medical research charities, all of these are suffering
a dramatic and frightening decrease in donations.  YES, we must support
the relief efforts in NYC, but we CANNOT be blind to all the other worthy
organizations in this country who STILL need our help.  And I say GOOD for
FerretGuy for being the first to say what I, and most likely many others,
have been thinking!
The last thing... Has to do with Jen Morrison, from the Utah situation.
As some of you may know, I run Lost Ferrets website.  One of the services
provided on the website is the Lost Ferrets Network, where anyone can sign
up to have their name and some limited contact info posted on the site.
This is so that if someone's ferret goes misisng, they can contact someone
in their area, via the website, to help assist in recovery efforts.  Up
to this point I have had no participating individuals, shelters, clubs or
other organizations in Utah.
Appearantly the same evening Ms Morrison posted her ad, she submitted a
listing for the Lost Ferrets Network.  Understandably, I am uncertain I
should post her information.  However, as I said, I have no other Utah
listings, and the listing is NOT for surrenders, only for those willing to
help keep an eye out for ferrets, hang posters, etc., I am torn.  Please,
your input would be MUCH appreciated.
I am leaning towards ignoring the listing was ever submitted.  But, I DO
need participants in Utah, so if anyone would like to submit their info,
please contact me, or visit
and fill out the participation form.  Thanks for your help.
Melissa Barnes
[Posted in FML issue 3560]