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Wed, 19 Sep 2001 20:44:04 -0400
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Sorry not to have posted this earlier, as things have been crazy.  I work
across the street from the World Trade Center (in the World Financial
Center), and I barely made it out last week during the terrorist attack.
I am still alive, though, unharmed (physically), and gradually recovering.
So, please excuse me if you sent me an email and I haven't answered it
yet; I'm a bit behind.  Please, if you have my work address
([log in to unmask]), do NOT use it at the time being, either, as
it is bouncing.  The bank is fine and I still work there ... but they are
doing some major system work to try to get us running again from our
backup location.  This address ([log in to unmask]) is a far better option
in the interim.  I will also be at home until probably early October, for
those who have my home phone number and would like to call.  I should be
able to go back to work in a "backup location" then. :->
Okay ..  so on to the main reason I'm writing.  It seems that there is
some confusion about what S.O.S.  is again, and that people don't seem to
know how to contact us (the people who run S.O.S.) to ask about it.  So, I
thought I'd give you our names and email addresses:
Ela Heyn ([log in to unmask])
Georgia Wood ([log in to unmask])
Judith White ([log in to unmask])
We're not a major league Red Cross-type charity here; we are three women
who all have full time jobs, ferrets, and families and try to help ferrets
in our small amount of remaining free time.  I posted an explanation of
what S.O.S. is to this list about two months ago, but it seems like a
good time to reiterate it.  Here goes, and please email one (or all!) of
us if you have any questions!
In July, I wrote:
>Anyway, S.O.S. is the organization currently running a raffle to raise
>funds for homeless ferrets.  We are a registered 501c3, run entirely by me,
>Judith White ([log in to unmask]) and Georgia Wood ([log in to unmask]).
>We don't draw salaries or any other form of compensation from the
>organization, although we do enjoy the "warm fuzzies" we get from helping
>out.  We also all three have full-time jobs in addition to SOS ..  so
>please excuse us if it sometimes takes us awhile to get back to you!
>We formed this organization around 1995 to help shelters that needed help.
>At the time, there were several shelters in critical need, and several FML
>members suggested that it would be great if we had a central fund to help
>them.  Georgia, Judith and I volunteered to do this ..  and with the help
>of an "advisory group" consisting of several shelter owners, etc., we set
>up S.O.S.  The first Christmas we were in existence, we had raised about
>$400, and we used it to buy and ship ferret food from Totally Ferret to
>about 10 shelters.  (Totally Ferret was VERY kind and also made their own
>donations toward this effort).
>Since then, we've done several fundraisers, including a ferret colouring
>book (drawings donated by Linda Gaylord), bumper stickers, and our current
>raffle.  Georgia puts a lot of time, effort, creativity and love into the
>"Kouri's Fans" Club and Website which she runs to make money for SOS.
>Judith puts a lot of effort into handling our finances, and deserves
>particular credit for compiling and editting the HUGE SOS Shelter List
>which is sent to the FML several times a year.
>It consists of an update on the name, address, and vet. info for shelters
>all over the world, and their current status (in terms of bills, number of
>animals, etc.)  I know it takes hours of her time, and she really deserves
>a lot of credit for it.  A couple of weeks ago, she was struggling to
>complete this monumental task before going for major surgery ..  and she
>managed to send it to BIG the night before she entered the hospital.
Basically, we distribute funds on a periodic basis as we have them, and we
also do occasional fundraisers for special "emergencies".  One of the most
recent emergencies that we raised funds for was the NJ Xmas Rescue, when
we asked for donations *specifically for that cause*.  The funds that came
in earmarked directly for that cause were spent on *just* the NJ Xmas
Rescue, with any extra to go to other needy shelters.
Most of the time, though, the funds we raise go into a general "pool",
from which we can draw for periodic distributions.  When that occurs, we
go over the data we have received from the shelters (for the Shelter
Update), and try to determine who has the greatest needs.  (We've also
occassionally received requests from suppliers seeking to donate product,
who wanted help in identifying the neediest shelters.  We passed on the
information we had to them).
Also, sometimes, a shelter specifically requests help, or someone requests
help on behalf of a shelter that needs it.  In those cases, we usually
review the situation, make some inquiries (including asking the shelter
owner how best we can help), and we review our finances to see what we
can do.
Regardless of whether it is due to special request or a periodic
distribution, there are only two ways we are "allowed" to give monetary
help: through a direct donation to a vet (towards the shelter's vet bill),
and through a donation of product.  (This could involve our ordering
product to be shipped to the shelter, or giving the shelter a gift
certificate to a particular supplier/retailer, etc.)
I hope that answers any questions; please feel free to email any (or all)
of the three of us if you have any further inquiries!
[Posted in FML issue 3546]