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Fri, 19 Oct 2001 18:10:26 -0700
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This could be long... Well I have been lurking for a couple weeks now.
I've finally decided to introduce myself and my boys to everyone.  And to
say thank you for the inspiration you have given me.  I will openly admit
that I have not been a good mommy to my boys in the past and they have
paid the price for that.  I hope that one day they will forgive me for the
wasted time.  I spent alot of time trying to find a good home for my boys
and at the same time feeling so guilty and sad at the thought of giving
them up.  I finally took the bull by the horns and said listen..."YOU
wanted them ,YOU committed to them , so YOU give them a good home
yourself!"  My boys have spent the majority of their 31/2-4yrs caged with
little or no play time "Bad Mommy!" Like I said I pray they will one day
forgive me.
I have 2 furkids:
Pogo "Poghetti, Monkey Man, Stinky Butt" a 4yr old sable .  Pogo was our
first and he is a monster!
He is very strong and loves to try to hide things that are ten times his
size under the recliner.  Ex: empty printer box.  "no Mom really it will
fit just leave me alone" Pogo has been a nipper/biter from day one.  I
say nipper/biter because his bites are in fun but he has drawn blood on
occasion although only with dad :) He is getting better with mom everyday.
He even gave me kisses last night!  First fert kiss I have ever had in 4
yrs, it broke my heart!  I wanted to cry because I realized how he loves
me.  And that he really does want to be good.
My other boy is Chance "Chance-a-Chance,Fluff,Chunky Butt" (Chance gets
really fat in the winter) He is 31/2 yrs old and is a light sable with
the cutest white knees.  He looks like a little girl and used to be the
sweetest thing until being caged too long with Pogo :) Chance got his name
because we took a Chance on getting him.  He was a Marshall Ferret that
was sent out way too young our vet didn't guess him or his brother Bear
(who is now at the bridge) to be more than four weeks old.  I fell in love
with Chance the second I found him.  We got him and Bear all packed up in
the car to go home when I realized his eyes were running like he had a
cold.  My husband suggested that we take him back and I said "no, we'll
just take a chance" and Chance he has been ever since.  We slept with him
the first few nights because he was so weak, he would go to sleep and we
couldn't wake him up,couldn't get him to eat.  We were so scared for him.
Though not completely "normal" now , he is healthy.
Chance almost likes to cuddle but not quite, he's coming around.  He is
such a spaz when he plays.  He just throws caution to the wind and leaps
in the clumsiest happy dance I have ever seen.
Now for Bear...Bear was such a sweetheart he was the perfect mix between
Pogo and Chance.  He was 2yrs old when I finally decided to let him rest.
I didn't know about the Bridge until joining FML .  So Sandee please give
Bear a big hug for me.  Tell him I love him, I miss him, I wish I had done
more.  No one is really sure what was wrong with Bear.  He went through so
much.  He and Chance had a rough first couple yrs of life.  With diarrhea,
weight loss, you name it.  The vets in this area don't know alot about
ferret problems so it was a battle.  The meds, the tests, we even did
adrenal surgery .  I don't think they had a clue what to do for him.
Every time they took blood for tests they cut open his neck!  Is this
normal?  I thought it was cruel and unusual.  Finally after months and
months of trying to cure him I could tell he was tired of it all so I told
him he didn't have to go back and that I would do all I could for him at
home.  He would take spells of being ok and then he would go down again.
Finally he started to itch so bad that he was chewing his legs up.  I got
him out one day and he could hardly walk, he looked at me so sad and I
said "okay Bear no more" .  The next day I held him in my lap on the way
to the vet crying my eyes out for my sweet baby.  He had become so sweet
in the last months of his life and had become much the beggar.  He would
come for treats nonstop, he hardly ever ate them, just loved for me to
give them to him.  Oh what sad eyes!  The vet told me that I was doing the
right thing, that I had tried all I could but I can't help but feel that I
could have done more.  It has been close to 2 yrs now and it still hurts
so much to think of him.  Bear you will always be in my heart...Mommy is
sorry she couldn't make it all better.
Last but not least...Yes I'm almost done :) I just want to thank FML you
guys keep me focused and remind me daily of how my boys can be when they
know they are loved.  To all of the shelters out there you are a Godsent!
I have so many other things to say...like the time Pogo...ok ok  next =
Pogo "Mom I got your shoes again bet you can't find them"
Chance "But I look too cute to be in trouble"=20
[Posted in FML issue 3576]