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Fri, 3 May 2002 09:42:25 -0700
dan christen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (81 lines)
Joanne, i hope that it is okay to forward this to the fml, i have written,
but haven't heard from you and now am becoming concerned knowing that
there has been a rather LARGE wildfire, being fought in Arizona near your
city.  I read about it in our local paper, the other day.  Please respond
and let me know that all is well with you and your family.
To all on the fml,
Joanne Ruffner, followed my posts about Eppy, and corresponded with me,
while i was still looking, and even afterwards, through the ordeal and
such.  She wanted to do something, and the following story and pictures
are all her effort, all i did was write, and send her photographs, she
put it together for me, this woman even though she was losing her niece,
Jairess, still took the time, to keep in touch, and do what she could.
May she be blessed in her future, and all good things come to her, in
comfort and love.
I w/b forever grateful for everything, every effort, anything done,
offered, said, thought, word, deed, by all of you, while i was trying to
deal with the loss of Epimetheus.  Your pain is my pain, even though it is
hard to read the stories of loss, through death or otherwise, it is our
common bond through the love of these ferrets, that we share a tie that
cannot be broken.  Though i may not correspond with everyone, all the
time, or ever, i know in my heart you were always there for me, and Eppy.
I read these stories, because, yes they are painful, but...their fuzzy
mom's & dad's need to share their grief, to heal, we need to know to help
them heal.  If we chose to ignore these pleas, then we are knowingly
turning our backs on what is happening in our real world.  Yes, it is
hard, yes it is depressing, and yes, this is the real world we live in,
since we do not all live in the same community, then we share with others,
through this form of communication, our being, our selves, our life,
private and public, we openly acknowledge how vulnerable we are.  It is
the cheapest form of counseling, but it is also the most powerful, through
expression, and contact with those who care.  I was concerned about making
a post about Eppers, being lost, especially since it was my own (i later
learned ignorance) that lead up to his absence.  The lack of effort to
protect, but...i believed that there was someone out there who would
understand, and i found out, that there were many more than i had
expected.  Not once did i receive anything, in any way, shape or form,
a vile flame, regarding my boo boo.
Consider it corrected.  There is now a safety screen stapled to the
outside of the bedroom window, glued, tacked, it could be clad in steel,
and i w/still worry, so all windows are closed when the house is void of
human body.  All other windows w/receive the same treatment, with the
coming summer, and they are inaccesable, for now.  One can never stop
wondering if there is anyway, that these little beings can somehow find
something to get into or out of, they are like very curious children,
only in smaller packages, therefore rendering them, MORE able to get into
mischief.  I paid for the 10 weeks that Eppy was missing, i paid in many
ways, especially with my soul.  I became dreadfully ill, losing about 10
days of work, and a LOT OF commission in my department, but i really
didn't care then, and don't care now.  Eppy was lost, and that was all
that i could think about.  His absence was a priority and finding him,
even more so.  Every day that Eppy comes to see me, from his hidey/sleepy
spot, i have to pick him up and hug and love on him, and really give
thanks for all effort from all of you, for with out you, what then should
have happened.  WE both could have been lost, as we were at the time, but
it was your individual efforts of comforting / and outpouring of love and
compassion that kept me going, and i am sure the Eppy received some of
that to, although we may never know how, for only he can tell his side
of the story and he is not talking right now, not only is he deaf, but i
believe he is mute?
Need i say more...but thank you all, thanks Troy Lynn, Kim, Jaime, Lynn,
Joanne, Gerri, Paul, Bill Gruber, ALL of you who belong to this great
wonderful family of FLM'RS, for everything!!!
My regards
donna , Eppy lost and found!
----- Original Message -----
> From: Joanne Ruffner <...>
> To: dan christen <[log in to unmask]>
> oh...take a look at the site.
> www.geocities.com/ferretcorneraz
> There is a link on the left with Eppys letter and pictures.
[Posted in FML issue 3772]