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Fri, 29 Mar 2002 10:33:24 EST
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Shame on all of you who are flaming these people for expressing their
concerns and worries about their hard earned money.  I realize that Mary &
Eric have a lot of friends out there BUT They subscribe to this list and
others they need to speak for themselves!
They took on the responsibility of opening their OWN business knowing full
well the consequences if they have problems.  I own my own small business
and I have a disease that keeps me from functioning sometimes but I still
make every effort to deliver my goods or I write to the client explaining
the delay personally.  If it was a different magazine that you subscribed
to and didn't receive would you be a forgiving or would you demand your
money back!  All of you flaming these people need to take a good look at
yourselves, if you weren't friend with Mary & Eric what would you do????
And if you stated your concern and you got the horrible mail that some of
these people are getting how would you feel???
We are supposed to be a community of ferret lovers and it's ridiculous
that whenever someone states and opinion here the get insults for it.  I
myself have stated opinion on several occasions and have gotten hell for
it!  But this has nothing to do with ferrets personally, It has to do with
two people who whether or not you people like it are actually doing
something illegal and it's totally up to them (not you) to make it up to
their subscribers It is not up to their friends to defend them.  Frankly
this is really none of anyones business except Mary, Eric and their
unhappy customers!  They need to resolve this before someone decides to
get a group together and sue them!  Then they would really be out of
business.  If that happens, are all you so called friends going to give
them the money out of your own pockets to help them pay off the lawyers
and give everyone who subscribed to the magazine since they stopped their
money back, because that is what would happen they would have to give the
courts their records and repay every single one of the hundreds of people
who are on their records.  I know from personal experience, my best
friends magazine had this problem when she had to stop production for
several months due to illness and was sued by a class action suit, she
had to repay every single penny or face jail time.  Are all of you willing
to stick your necks out this far to defend a business that you are not
personally involved in ?  Reality Check this is THEIR BUSINESS they need
to run it how they feel is appropriate and THEY are the ones who need to
deal with this NOT anyone else.  I'm sure there will be petty people who
will flame me once again for my opinion but Mary & Eric need to start to
take responsibility for their own actions, not the people who happen to be
caught in the middle!  These people are not being heartless,All of you who
flame them are being heartless and unreasonable and there is no excuse for
it.  How long should someone have to wait for something they have already
paid for?  If this were happening to anyone else but Mary & Eric you know
you would be furious and insulted that this was happening to you.  I
really am ashamed that anyone who could open their hearts to such
wonderful creatures of God can be so ugly to others in your community.
[Posted in FML issue 3737]