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Wed, 20 Feb 2002 21:31:38 -0500
shannie shelton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Hi, I'm a first time poster, but I read the FML everyday.  I just read
about someone's ferret with irregular feces.  One of my babies, Annabelle,
also has this problem, and has off and on now for several months.  I have
taken several feces samples to the vet over the months.  Her stools are
very "mucousy", and often look like they have "bird seeds" in them.  I've
read as much as I can get my hands on about ferret medical problems,
including the poop chart.  I mentioned the Green Mystery Virus to my vet,
and she had never heard of it, so I took her some info.  I had found.  She
didn't think it was ECE.  Annabelle was diagnosed with Giardia several
months ago.  I treated her with medicine, and had another sample tested.
Apparently, it had cleared up.  BUT - not for long.  About a month ago
she tested positive for Giardia again, and she's still on the medicine
(so is Maddy, my other little girl).  They're taking Metronidazole liquid.
I am so afraid it could be a sign of something more serious.  I know that
constant diarrhea may also foreshadow cancer.
I had another ferret, Elise, that died about a year ago at the vet's
office.  We weren't even positive that she had lymphatic cancer.  The
first blood test revealed irregularities, but nothing completely
conclusive.  She was under 3 years of age, and she never woke up from the
anesthesia they gave her just to take a second blood sample.  I was so
devastated.  The Dr. knows that I'm terrified of getting a blood sample
drawn from Annabelle because of what happened to Elise.  I did, however,
suggest it at the last visit, but we decided to do x-rays.  She said that
an enlarged spleen, etc.  would show up on the x-ray.  The only thing:
inflamed intestines, which she said was normal, due to the Giardia or
constant bowel problems.  I have even been using Marshall's ProBiotic
Digestive Tract Conditioner with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, and mixing
it in with their mushy food (ground up Marshall grain food and water).
Annabelle refuses to eat hard food.  I recently bought some Duck Soup,
but haven't tried it yet, since she's st ill on meds.  and getting the
This has been going on (off and on) for several months, and I just don't
know what else to do.  She will eat her mushy food, when I feed her, and
she eats well.  She looks like some of the ferrets I've seen with ECE
because she is so "bony".  She weighs 1.8, which I think is normal.  Its
just that Maddy (her sister) has a pretty clear layer of fat.
I am pretty sure its not gastric ulcers.  The poop is brown, bird seedy,
and I can tell that she is not digesting her food.
If there are any experts out there, please let me know what you think.
I apologize for the lenght of this message, and am praying for all the
little lost and sick ferts!
Thanks so much!
[Posted in FML issue 3700]