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Sat, 2 Feb 2002 08:36:35 -0900
Holly DiMeglio <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
To Michelle
I have a little guy who I had previously taken to the vets for shots, and
when I was paying my bill, same thing, he starts turning red and is
gagging.  I said to the gal at the counter "something's wrong" and she
immediately called back and they came and got my ferret.  They treated
him with Benadryl, and kept him for observation for awhile (seemed like I
was there all day).
Reactions can happen for the first time even after having had the same
vaccine before.  In my case I think it was the 6th time he got the vaccine
that he reacted to it.
We now pre-treat him with Benadryl and it works out just fine.  I've
brought enough rescued ferrets into my home that I don't want to risk not
having mine vaccinated -even though I keep the new ones isolated.
Sounds like you have a good vet.  Good luck.
Perrin (you mean I get to come in early and PLAY with the vet before I get
my real shot!)
[Posted in FML issue 3682]