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Thu, 24 Jan 2002 23:33:33 -0500
Todd Leuthold <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled Coat Sleeve Campers...
Ya know...it would be really interesting if someone would make a screen
saver that has a number of ferrets that would do the following:
1) Create hidey-holes on the screen in various places
2) Run out on the screen and steal parts of it, then stash these items in
   their hidey-holes
3) Occasionally, have two or more ferrets come out and play tag, or
   wrestle, or join up to steal a particularly large item and try to
   stuff it into a hidey-hole (including, maybe, another sleeping ferret?)
4) Come out and beg for a snack
5) Go out on a "raisin raid"
6) Chase a cat around the screen for a few seconds (at high speed!)
7) Come right up to the screen and press its nose to the "inside" of your
   monitor glass
8) Appear to run up to the screen, then dive "under" your line-of-site for
   a few moments, then reappear with what seem to be your car keys, which
   get stashed
9) Have several all come to the center of the screen, then hold a "Let's
   Dig to China!" party!
10) Have a ferret occasionally appear, carrying what appear to be computer
    parts that they've "stolen" from the inside of your computer, and
    put them into hidey-holes
11) Make it so you can actually click on the hidey-holes to see what's
    been stashed in them
12) Let you click on treats, then on a ferret, to give them that treat
13) Let you click on a ferret who is moving around the screen, at which
    point the ferret comes to you for attention
14) Have ferret come into the "room", find a sleep place and settle down
    for a snooze
Just an idea...or several of them, actually! :)
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns
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[Posted in FML issue 3673]