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Sat, 12 Jan 2002 05:38:04 -0900
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Hi, all.  Dooks and dances to all of those who have passed or are passing
over the bridge.  (And a special shout to Eppy's mom.)
Mostly I just lurk here, reading the FML daily but rarely saying anything.
This time I have to.  The company I work for has a program where they pick
individuals from the labor pool to occasionally go out and read to the
kids in the public elementary schools.  We are also supposed to tell them
about our jobs and what we do all day.  Well, last week I got picked to
read to a group of 6th graders at a school here in Anchorage.  As I work
in accounting for a large telecom company telling them about my job took
all of about 2 minutes.  (I sit at a desk and crunch numbers.  WHOO!)  I
mentioned that I am married and have 3 kids, one with skin and 2 with fur.
The teacher (A wonderful lady, BTW) looked confused by this and asked what
did I mean by that?  I told her Rocky and Mysty aren't hoomans, they are
Well, 'skuze my French, but all hell broke loose.  Almost every hand went
up with kids wanting to ask a question.  We spent the next hour discussing
ferret diets, behavior, social needs, and de-bunking myths about
baby-killings, rabies/distemper transport and so forth.  It was actually a
very entertaining and moving experience.  These 11-12 year olds had some
very insightful and inteligent questions.  I think the best part was when
I mentioned that Mysty (A silver-mitt) was stone-deaf.  One little girl
said "That is so sad!" I told her "No, it's not sad at all.  She has been
deaf since birth so she doesn't know that she is deaf." I didn't mention
that now that she is getting bigger she is kicking Rocky's butt on a
regular basis, has the cat cowed in fear, and basicaly rules the house.
Life is good for that little one.
Then, when we were discussing how ferrets are NOT a cage animal and NEED
as much time to roam, explore, play, dance, socialize, and create trouble
as they can possibly get (my owners are not free-roam in the interest of
keeping them safe, but they get at LEAST 8 hours a day supervised out of
the cage) one little kid spoke up and told me his dad has a ferret that he
keeps locked up in a cage all day long (24/7) in the BASEMENT!  I asked
what the ferret got to eat and he told me dog food and sometimes a carrot
as a treat.  *DING* Um, excuse me?
I did not think it appropriate to ask the kid for his fathers name and
phone number in front of the class, so I waited until the end until I
could speak to the teacher.  She wouldn't tell me either (understandable)
but said she would speak to the parent as early as she could next week.
Mrs. XXXXXXXXXX was very understanding in my concern, but there are
certain sensitivity issues I guess a teacher must address.
When I left I went out to my truck with every intention of waiting around
until this "parent" picked the kid up.  This is a school NOT located
within the ASD transport area so there are no school buses - the parents
have to pick up on thier own.  After a few minutes of listening to
"Saturday Night" (yeah, I listen to Elton John - so what?) I realized I
was working myself more and more into a combatative state.  If I met this
guy right now there is a very good chance I would end up in the same
situation as the "hockey-dad" on the news right now.  So I left.
Here is my question.  I am determined to intervene on the ferrets side,
but I dont want to be confrontational about it.  I just want this guy to
experience a better life rather than spend his time in a basement.  Is
there anyone in Anchorage who can help me save this critter?  I am willing
to do the "Mac + Cheese" diet if thats what it takes to afford proper care
for this little one.  I really don't have the space, but I figure ANYTHING
has to be better than where he is at right now.  I have searched high and
low, but cannot locate a single ferret shelter/hospice/intervention place
anywhere in Anchorage.  I see there are some in Fairbanks and Juneau, but
those don't do me a lot of good.  Anyone out there?
You can e-mail me at [log in to unmask]
Thanks for letting me vent
Dale, T, Emmy, and Rocky/Mysty, the *SAD* gang
*Seek And Destroy* (Hey - how many pets that you know of that have had
Metallica write a song about?)
(not to mention Skye - Why are you picking on me? - the cat)
[Posted in FML issue 3661]