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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0207 9148 50 18_Ferret Occupations29_Jason Kryska and Cheryl [log in to unmask], 10 Jul 2002 00:40:43 -0700422_- Jack - Jack would definitely be a councilor or teacher. He is so mellow
and so easy going with the younger ferrets, he teaches them wht with ferrets. I am looking for a second opinion for my
precious little Eddie--3 years old.

Sudden onset (Saturday morning) of extremity weakness, especially hind
end, with generalized shivering. His gate is hesitant and uncoordinated
and he often falls over when first trying to walk. Appetite and water
intake remain normal. No knowledge of injury in the last 6 months. [...]41_13May200212:02:[log in to unmask] 0205 19762 79 32_Seeking help with liver problem.10_The [log in to unmask], 16 May 2002 20:49:46 -0500344_- From May16 FML,
>I will write about Giddie's progress in a separate post...

Ok,...I know the Doc did not give me much hope of Giddie recovering but
it is just soo hard to give up.

I have not dealt with liver problems before and I am asking for any tips,
help or suggestions from anyone who can give them to us. [...]38_16May200220:49:[log in to unmask] 0205 19842 74 32_Giddeon's Blood & Biopsy Results10_The [log in to unmask], 16 May 2002 20:53:56 -0500729_- Heartworm panel #3
Chem 11
Alk.Phosphatase 147(H) 14-144
Marked Icterus observed
Marked Icterus may result in decreases Creatinine, Cholesterol, Ast
and total Protein.
Alt (SGTP) 117 119
Albumin 2.3(L) 3.4-4.8
Total Protein 5.1 4.3-6.0
Globulin 2.8(H) 0.2-2.4
* Total Biliruben 20.2(H) 0.0-0.9
Results varified by repeat analysis
* Bun 80(H) 10-45
Results varified by repeat analysis
* Creatinine 4.7(H) 0.4-0.9
* Glucose 62(L) 120-144
A/G Ratio 0.8
B/C Ratio 17.0
CBC Basic
WBC 5.6
RBC 5.40(L) 6.7-12.1
HGB 9.3(L) 12-18
* HCT 29.3(L) 43-55
MCU 54
MCH 17.2
MCHC 31.7
Neutrophil Seg 66(H) 31-57
Lymphocytes 28 22-48
Monocytes 5(H) 0-1
[...]38_16May200220:53:[log in to unmask] 0205 19917 47 12_Obese Ferret16_Byrd, Heather [log in to unmask], 16 May 2002 09:56:55 -0400574_- Hello All,

This is my first time posting, but my partner has posted many times in
the past. She's busy trying to finish up her Vet. Tech. schooling so the
posting duty falls to me.

Back in the end of January she posted about a new DEW ferret (Arthur) we
had acquired from a horrendous pet store here in St. Petersburg (Animal
House). At that time he was extremely small, 10ozs.(well under 8 weeks!)
and severely malnourished. Every bone in his tiny body jutted out, he had
old food stuck up under his lip and dried food and poop caked [...]46_16May200209:56:[log in to unmask] 0205 19965 44 25_prostate enlargement info14_Sukie [log in to unmask], 16 May 2002 22:26:04 -0400583_- Life's been exceedingly busy and the vets have also been very, very busy
(Some types of grant due dates arriving for some places that fund Steve's
field and since that place also does some things biological..., finals
for students, talks to give, papers to finish, etc. -- all on top of care
to provide for their own clients' ferrets.). Knowing how fine vet, Jerry
Murray, is at things endocrinological I had asked him about someone's
problem maybe a week back. The problem is that i can't recall if the
person with this ferret is in the FML, the FHL, or [...]48_16May200222:26:[log in to unmask] 0205 20010 26 31_Please pray for my family. [OT]13_jessica [log in to unmask], 16 May 2002 23:25:23 -0400502_- Hello Fmlr's,

Hope everyone is doing well tonight. I
Thu, 16 May 2002 12:42:56 EDT
text/plain (21 lines)
Just wanted to let everyone know that I found a compounding pharmacy
in Delaware that makes chewable treats and flavored meds for pets (in
addition to human meds).  If anyone is interested, here's the info:
SaveWay Compounding Pharmacy
31 Albe Dr, Unit 1
Newark, DE 19702
Calvin Freedman, RPh
I met the owner through my current job.  He is a real nice guy, who made
peanut butter flavored pred for my ferret.  He also made some shrimp and
salmon flavored pred chewie treats for my ferret too--The ferret loved
[Posted in FML issue 3785]