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Tue, 19 Feb 2002 09:28:29 EST
Caroline Jones aka CJ <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Since Petco is non responsive to my help with their ferrets, I am doing
the thing I have avoided doing in the past.  When I go into Petco or any
pet store and see things that ae not right, like sick ferrets, filthy
cages, cramped living conditions, etc., I call our local animal control.
Animal Control has to check out every complaint.  Don't make a stink in
the store, just walk out and make the call.  no pet store wants A.C. to
call on them.  They will get a warning if its the first time, fines there
after.  go back to the pet store again and see if things have improved,
if not call again.  The information has to be firsthand, you have to see
the infractions yourself, you can not call and say your friend saw
things, they want first hand information.  i have seen in the past where
this helps in some situations.
Since the local Petco's in my town all think I'm nuts and don't want to
accept my help with the ferrets, I now will be their worst nightmare.
Since I did raise a stink about the kits dying and looking so sick, I
have seen a change in the ferrets, not much but a little.  i believe they
are afraid of me, lol.
So please call AC when you see things as I mentioned, call asap, don't let
a day go by.  You want AC to see what you saw, don't give the pet store a
chance to clean things up, they know when someone says things to them
about the living conditions of the animals that they may get called upon
from ac and they will do a temporary fix.
On Sunday I'm going to try to hit a few more Petcos, if anyone can check
a few out for me this week, I'm in Las Vegas, please let me know.
Ferrets are starting to come into the shelter as it is getting to be
returning the Christmas present gone wrong season and spring break, when
people open doors, windows for the fresh air and the ferrets make a break
for it.  I had to go to the Cali agg station one night for a pick up of 2
ferrets.  My time is very limited, so any help would be appriciated on
the pet store ferrets.
Take care,
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
Las Vegas, Nv
P.S.  I also found out a few weeks ago that the other ferret shelter in
Las Vegas has closed its doors, this will also make things a bit more
busy around here this year!
[Posted in FML issue 3699]