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Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:23:19 -0800
Rosie Maronese <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (123 lines)
Hello Everyone:
I don't post much here, just mostly lurk but my fuzzies have posted a few
times this past year.  I am writing this with a very sad and heavy heart
as some of you from Little Norway or the Fuzzy Shelter Board who are also
here and may already know of my little girl's passing, so please bare with
me.  My words may not come out the way I want them to, I have a headache
and not feeling very well on top of that, I think I maybe coming down with
the flu or something.
Anyway, as some of you may know my precious little girl Booger was 7yrs.
8 mos. old passed away early this morning my time.  Somewhere between 2 &
4AM, I tried to keep the small light on to keep me from falling asleep but
I guess I did and when I woke up I realized that I had fallen asleep and
looked at the clock and it was 4:02AM and when I looked over at Booger I
realized that she was gone.  I had her in bed with me last night wrapped
in blankets to keep her warm and I cuddled her and put my arms around her
so she knew that her mom was there and that she wasn't alone.  She got
sick the week before Christmas and found out she had an ulcer and I had
been e-mailing back and for to Dr. Williams, Lily, Kristine and Kevin and
Julie at Wuzzles for help and advice for Booger.  I can't thank them all
enough for everything that they have done.  They are all "Angels" I wish
we had people like that around here where I live.  A few days after being
on the carafate she seemed like she was doing a bit better, don't get me
wrong I know it was a long road to recovery but she was eating some on her
own, not enough so I had to still syringe feed her and she was getting her
carafate twice a day.  She hated that but we got it in her knowing and
hoping that she would get better and lately she had been out and about
romping around a little with Buddy her cagemate and playing but not for
long and then she would get tired, go in her favourite hammock in the cage
or just curl up in a nice fleece blanket which I left lying on the floor
for that purpose in case she didn't have the enegy to go into the cage.
Well, yesterday she seemed fine and I noticed she was doing okay.  I had
to go to work from 4-8PM and when hubby picked me up at about 8:15PM from
work last night he said that she seemed to be okay and was playing a bit
and he picked her up to wrap her properly in the blanket and at that point
she was still fine.  I came home straightened a few things up came on the
computer to check e-mails and come here to Little Norway and while I was
in the middle of being on the computer I asked Michael, my son to get
Booger because I had to give her, her meds and feed her.  Well, he came
upstairs with her in the blanket and said that there was blood coming
from her mouth.  I paniced, jumped up and looked and sure enough she was
coughing and bringing up blood.  I asked Michael to give her to me and I
yelled for my husband who had just gone to bed.  I took her out of the
blanket to wrap her up properly so she wouldn't slip through and then
that's when I saw she was also bleeding for the other end.  Her legs and
bottom were covered in blood.  This must have happened somewhere between
8:30 which is when I last checked and she was asleep and 10:30PM which is
when my son brought her to me.
We all started crying and knew that this was it, she would not make it
through the night and of course didn't.  Michael and Roy said their good
byes and I went to bed with Booger and laid her beside me.  This is long
and I want to appologize for that.
Booger's Story:
Booger was our third ferret.  She came to live with us in May of 1999.
She was only with us for a little over 2-1/2 years.  She was not purchased
through a pet store like Maxi and Maxine but she came to live with us
because my girlfriend who use to live here moved to Sudbury and her life
changed.  She became very busy and just could not give Booger all the
attention and love that she needed and deserved.  I was ignorant so to
speak towards ferrets in the beginning.  I just didn't know how much
love and joy they could bring into your life until we got Maxi, then we
realized he was lonely and then came Maxine.  Now, I can't imagine my
life without them.  They bring so much joy and happiness.
After we had Maxi and Maxine, my girlfriend realized that I have grown to
love these precious fuzzies and asked if I could take Booger.  She heard
of too many horror stories of ferrets being left outside and not cared for
properly in Sudbury area that she didn't want to give her to just anybody.
She knew that Booger would be well taken care of and loved if she gave her
to us.  I agreed instantly and within three weeks Booger came to live here
with us.  My friend was doing a course here in the town I live in so she
brought her with her.  She was tiny and I remember seeing her before
Lorrie moved to Sudbury and she was always tiny then.  Lorrie figured she
was probably the runt of the litter and that's why she was so tiny.  Even
smaller than Maxine.  Maxine did not get along with Booger, so we had to
have separate times out but I know deep down in her heart she loved Booger
and will miss her.
I remember the first day when Lorrie arrived with her, she let her out of
her carrying cage and she just started to war dance like you wouldn't
believe and was dooking and making all kinds of sounds.  She was so happy
because at Lorrie's she didn't have much time out.  She loved to curl up
on your chest, go through your shirt or blouse and down your sleeve pop
her head out the other end and sometimes she would just stay, curl up and
go to sleep.  She would even go up your pant leg if you were lying down
on the couch or floor and also go to sleep there too.  Booger would even
curl up around your neck.  She loved to give lots of kisses and in the
beginning when she first came to live with us it was lick, lick, lick, and
then a little chomp...lol... In the past year she has done more kissing
and less chomping.  I will miss this the most about her, she was my kissy
girl.  The others don't do this except for Maxine once in a while but not
like Booger.  I have some pictures of her which I put in our album here
called "The Maronese Fuzzies".  She was a dark sable with dark eyes.  She
was one tough little girl and every now and then she would let Buddy know.
We have had all the ferrets including Buddy, Booger's cagemate see her and
say their good byes.  The tears are just flowing and I hate this because
I am not feeling well myself at this point.  My heart just aches for my
little girl.  She as taken a piece of my heart with her to Rainbow Bridge
and I hope she hangs onto it and waits for us all there.  We all loved her
very much and I know deep down in my heart they she loved us all too.  She
fought so hard each day to stay with us just one more day.  I cuddled her
and kissed her over and over and told her over and over how much we loved
her and that it was okay for her to go.  I reminded her of Rainbow Bridge
and told her what a wonderful and beautiful place it is.  I also told her
that she would be no longer in pain or suffering and that she would be
whole and have her beautiful fur back on her body.  You see Booger was
slowly loosing hair because she also had adrenal which I was trying to
treat before she became very sick.
Booger just know that you were mommies special little kissy girl and we
all love you and miss you very much.  You will be missed by your brothers
Maxi and Buddy and your sister Maxine.  You can have all the raisins, red
licorice and ferrettone that you want.  You will always have a special
place in all our hearts and we have so many wonderful memories of you that
we can treasure for always.  Mom is so happy that your dad finally got the
camera working last Spring and now we have pictures to remind us of you.
We love you my sweet little princess and now you can rest peacefully
until we all meet again.
[Posted in FML issue 3664]