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Fri, 30 Nov 2001 11:17:17 -0800
Kate Mckinley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Hello to all, Hugs and kisses to all fuzzies and their owners.
My boy Spaz has Lympho and is currently on Pred.  He has been on this med
for about 3 months now and seems to be doing well.  The problem is that
this has happened twice now.  It sounds like he has a hair or something
caught in his throat.  He doesn't cough but you know when they are playing
and they open their mouths and go hahaaheheh, while swinging their head?
Well when he has this throat thing , you can hear it.  The first time it
happened I gave him some laxatone and he quit doing it right away.  This
time it happened I did the same thing and it didn't help this time.  It
lasted all day and he didn't want to play at all.....just sleep.  I called
the vet and she said give him some ferretone, It didn't help.  She said
see how he is in the morning and if he still is like that bring him in.
He was eating and drinking fine and poops looked good.  This morning I
got up and he was back to his happy self.  Dooking all over the place and
his throat is clear.  What do you make of it?  Anyone have any ideas?  Am
I just being an overprotective mom?  What could be causing this?  Is it
realated to his Lympho?
Any Ideas would be appreciated.  Please e-mail me.
Thanks in advance
Kate and the Spaz monster
[Posted in FML issue 3618]