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Fri, 5 Oct 2001 18:16:39 -0600
Especially Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
I am not knowing why BIG keeps letting anonymous posters on the fml.  It
seems like the only time someone posts anonymously, they are stirriing up
trouble or being mean and vicious with their faceless sharp little tongue.
I say they aren't excercising their freedom of speech unless they have the
courage to put their face and name to it.  Otherwise, it should not be
worth saying or listening to.  To the anonymous person attacking Kat, I
don't know her in person, but in the couple of years I have been here, she
has always been there for not only me, but many others who just needed a
kind word that day.  She has brightened up the days of many folks she
doesn't even know!  She has been a friend to us all, including those that
don't deserve her time.  I contacted her in private about this shelter in
question and she didn't even do in private what she was accused of!  If
you, the anonymous coward would do more like her, the world would be a
much better place!  BIG, letting these anonymous posters on this list
is nothing short of verbal terrorism.  This list is suppose to be
educational, constructive and fun.  Only You have the power to silence
these faceless cowards!
Your daily dartboard,
[Moderator's note: I'm much stricter about the anonymous posts than
used to be, but I do think sometimes they are appropriate.  BIG]
[P.S., a few hours later]:
My post about anonymous posters does not include those whose HAVE to post
anonymously due to their residence.  They are not the ones who are the
problem.  So please, all the ferret lovers in CA and NY, please don't get
all riled up.  Thank you Ferretguy
[Posted in FML issue 3562]